chapter 17

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"so you guys wanna go to prom?"

we were all gathered in the cave. i sat on Dwayne's lap as i asked them that question. totally oblivious, i didn't see their bewildered and shocked faces.

", sweetheart-"

"and before you say 'we can't. the sun.' it starts at 930. when the sun is down. and we can leave before then. and if you guys act like teenagers, you can definitely get in."

they looked around at each other's faces. silently communicating. i hate that. always leaving me out.

"it's not that we don't want to go..." David says.

"we just feel like it's not our scene."

my blood starts to boil. were they serious?

"maybe we could do something else. maybe a nice date to the boardwalk or-"

i stand up off his lap and look at all of them with fury.

"all i ever do is cater to your needs. all the shit ive had to put up with. everything i was scared of, I had to face it."


"this night is important to me. why can't you all for this one night..."

they all looked around again. they're doing it again. "stop it."

Paul looked me. "what-"

"stop talking about me like im not here. just stop."

David looked at me sternly. "we're not going."

i didn't say anything. i stared at them in silence.

"now sit back down."

i looked over to where Star was hiding. she looked in my eyes as i fought the urge not to cry.

slowly, i looked back at David.


i sat in Ian's room as he ranted about Alan. honestly, they both just need to come out of the closet already. especially Alan.

"it's like i don't even exist anymore."

i snorted. "hear that."

he looked at me as i stared at the screen. he grabbed my hand softly. "hey.."


"wanna be my fake date to prom?"

i look at him and smile. "but of course."

he laughs. his laughter dies down as we sit and watch our horror movie. it was an old vampire movie. ironic isn't it?

i looked like shit. wholeheartedly, i do. as much as i knew they probably had reasons for not going, i was still salty.

can't blame a girl though.

i just wonder what prom had in store...

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