chapter 4

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(Robert Downey Jr. as Benji)


I look around at the sound if my name and I meet eyes with Benji.

He was my life science partner. I'm terrible at it and he's a whiz at it. He's really nice to me and even offers me some of his moms Baklava sometimes. Jan nicknamed him Baklava Ben.

I smile at his presence and let out an eternal sigh of relief. Escaping Marko I make my way over to him.

He furrowed his brows and gave a sarcastic smirk. "What is (Name) (Last name) doin' in a place like this?"

I giggle. "Nice to see you too, Benji." He reaches his arm out and hugs me into his chest.

At the same time, I could of swore I heard growls. Weird.

He let's me go and Jan greets him. "Baklava Ben! Ah, hey dude." He waves at Janis. Bea just awkwardly waves.

He looks over at me and scratches his neck. "I didn't know you liked Motley, Jelly." I look at the band and back at him. "Yeah, they're pretty cool", I beam.

He smiles slyly, "well, I would've invited you if I knew you were coming. Then you wouldn't have to hang out with David."

I take a step back as Janis says, "you know these guys?" David and Benji have a stare down. "Yeah we're uh..old friends."

The four bikers glare at Benji as he just smirks. The must've had some history together for them to shoot daggers at him through their eyes.

Becca makes her way back to the group with a package of Pepsi in her hand. She sets it down next to Paul's bike as he takes a glass bottle.

He hands one to Marko and Marko opens it, taking a long swig. Becca notices Benji and grimaces.

She thought he was really cute the start of the year. When she asked him out, he rejected her, telling her she was fake.

He wasn't wrong.

Paul takes another bottle and offers it to anyone. Janis took it, along with Bea.

"Ya know, Paul", Benji teased. Paul visibly clenched his jaw. He smirked. "I could use a Pepsi."

"Not my problem, asshole", he sneered.

The rest of them let out laughs except for Janis, Bea, and me.

I shifted my feet uncomfortably. I didn't like the tension growing around in the air.

Ben grabbed my hand. I'm surprised by the action. "Let's go Jelly. I'll buy you a Pepsi."

I gape at him but don't say a word. Before he can pull me away, a hand wraps around my bicep.

I turn to see Dwayne. His eyes are burning holes into Benjis.

"She's not going anywhere with you, creep." He growls.

Benji tightens his grip on my hand. "Fuck off Dwayne."

Dwayne retaliates by tightening his grip. I whimper at the actions. They both ignored it.

Janis comes into play. "Hey! She's not going anywhere with you two." She rips me off of the boys and hugs me close to her. "So you can both fuck off."

I stay close to Janis. I hug her body as she does the same. She looks down at me. "You good?"

I nod my head. She ruffles my hair again and mumbles 'cutie'.

The band cuts to a stop. They start pulling girls up on stage to dance. The song switches to 'Shout at the Devil'.

Jan let's go of me. She makes her way towards the front. Bea puts her hands up. "Where you going Jan?"

"To see if I can get Tommy Lee to notice existence!"

Bea rolls her eyes. "oh sweet jesus.."

She follows after Jan leaving me alone with my sister, Benji, and the boys. I awkwardly stand there and lightly chew on my cotton candy.

They all just stand there and listen to the band. Nobody says anything. Just comfortable silence which I liked.

Becca was fiddling with her nails not really not into the band. Marko and Paul were passing around a cigarette. Dwayne and David were in a silent conversation.

Ben just stood 6 feet away from me staring at me smiling. It made me self conscious so I fixes my glasses a bit and my sweater.

He didn't come any closer under the watchful game of Dwayne and David.

I wonder what Benji did to make them hate him so much..


This couldn't be.

After all of the planning, all of the plotting, he had to show up.

They didn't like him. Not one bit. They were enemies with the stupid incubus.

Anything that they took interest in, he was always getting in the way.

But now...

Was not the best time to get involved.

They had found their mate. Their one chance at love. The last thing they needed was for Benji to show up.

'What are we gonna do David?'

'I don't know Marko'

'We can't let Benji take her away from us. She's already scared of us, he could easily-'

'You don't think I know that Twisted Sister?'

'...we need to get rid of him.'

'How are we gonna do that? He's relentless.'

They still scan the crowd for an answer. Benji needed to feed. He was looking rather pale and sickly. No doubt that's why he's targeting (Name).

Benji was staring (Name) down hungrily, which they didn't like. She was too innocent to understand what he really wanted.

Stupid sex demon.

'We just need to direct his attention unto someone else.'


Paul over at Becca who is talking to a girlfriend of hers. Becca was annoying yes, but she sure seemed like a good meal.

He nudges Marko. Marko follows Paul's eyes and raises a brow. He realizes what he's getting at and smirks.

'Hey guys..'

They look at Marko. He tilts his head towards Becca. Dwayne and David look at each other and smirk.

'I think we have a winner'

(1034 words)

(Hope you enjoy lovelies💕)

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