Chapter 10 - We Never Know What The Future Holds...

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"Wait what?" "Yes, Perrie lets have a baby" "Zayn did you have a little too much to drink tonight?" "Im perfectly sober" "Honey this isnt just a desicion we can make lightly or alone" "I know, but i thought about it long and hard, and its our desicion to make" i sit up followed by him "Zayn we have two bands that depend on us, meaning that with out one group member it wont work" "I never said we.where quiting" "No thats not what i mean, look, our career just took off, we won a grammy for gods sake, im a performer, being pregnant just complicates everything, i.wont be able to dance, miss concerts and interviews? And then, im not going to be one of those do it on their.own moms, you have to help....but why now, i mean dont get me wrong, i want kids but-" "I would, id never.leave you alone, Perrie just magine, all of our love would be expressed in a child, it something made from us, a little part of you and me" i sigh "But we're young and i dont want to let the girls down, or you, what if have no idea what im doing?" "Okay, yes we.are young but its a great age to start a family, and i really want to do that with you" "Zayn i dont know" i slide to my back.and turn my back on him, he puts and arm around me "Please?" "I'll think about it" "Yes?" "Noo" he waits a few.seconds "" I giggle "Zayn i said i would think about it" "Fine, good night" "Night". I stay awake, our breaths the only sound in our room "A baby?" I whisper, i know he's sleeping, i dont think i can do it, not yet anyways.

"So.have you thought about it?" "Ugh Zayn you just asked me last night" "You practically slept on it" "Give me a week, ill think about it okay?" "Okay". But ofcourse being the person he is he asked me constantly for three days, i had hasmd just enough "So...have you made up your min-" "ZAYN STOP! just stop, i said to give me a week, can you atleast respect that? This is not east for me and you preassurinf me doesnht help, okay? Just please, i will tell you. Stop." "Babe im sorry, your right yiu have to think about it" he scoots closer to me "Im going out, il be back later" "Where are you going?" "To my moms" "Okay, are you taking the car?" "Yes" "Be carefull" "okay, bye". Im not mad, im just stressed, i talk to my mam, she always.helps, but a stop before i get there, Jesy's.

"Took you long enough!" "Sorry i was in the kitchen, come in" "whats up?" "Jess?" "Yeah?" "Have you seen my black jumper?" "its in the clean laundry" "okay!" "He always loses things" "men" i shake my head, "are you okay? You look worried" "no im fine" "Perrie..." "fiiine, im not, i need to talk to you....alone?" "Oh, sure, Jake is going out soon" she pats my hand "oka- oh hey Perrie, i didnt know you where here" "Hi, yeah sorry it was kinda unexpected" "its alright, i gotta run, ill see you ladies later" he hugs me and kisses Jess "bye, call me when you get there" "Sure thing" he leaves the house and im left alone with jesy "lets go to the kitchen, ill make us some tea" i nod and follow her. "So whats going on?" "So, Zayn and i where talking the other day and out of nowhere he said 'lets have a baby' and i was just in shock, and i told him that i didnt know, but he has been insisting and insisting, but i dont know what to do" "well what do you want?" I look down at my cup and think, "I dont know, it would be amazing, i do want kids and i would have one now but here's the thing, if i get pregnant i still have a lot to do, we have the new album and tour and a million things, me having a baby would complicate things, it would slow us down, and it would affect everyone, even the boys" "Perrie, you are my best friend, and i love you, and this is why i want ot be completly honest, i wouldnt mind at all, i mean i want a baby now too but i cant either for all those reasons, but i dont think everyone else will mind, they would be thrilled, so now this is the question, not thinking about anybody, just you and only you, if we werent here and your were with Zayn, do you want a baby rught now?" "I.....Yes, yes i really do" i grin, i do "Yes, i want a family with Zayn and im not old but im not getting any younger" i laugh "Well then there you go, you have nothig to worry about, we are all here and i am here for whatever you need, just, i think its important that you tell the girls, you know, just to prepare, incase you do it" "See this is why i love you!" "You have my full support!" "Thank you Jess, really!".

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