Chapter 18 - Us.

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"Shhh it's okay baby, come here" it's 3:00am and right on time baby Mason wakes up crying, as you know me i love sleep, and well now with a baby that isn't in my schedule very often anymore. I lay on my side and feed him, my eye-lids closing slowly but i resist, i hear Zayn chuckle "what?" "You look so cute" "i know, im sleep deprived and i can still look cute" i smile "Yeah well i never thought that would be an issue for you" i slightly giggle "Shh he's finally falling asleep" he nods and pecks my cheek. I scoot over a bit after Mace is done eating, i try to fall asleep but fail to, Well great, this is just great. I stare at the ceiling, my mind wondering off to some other time, my future maybe, our past, all that we had to go through....shit i have a crazy family. I find myself thinking about my father, did he ever really leave, or did he jsut disapear, he is more that capable to do so, and what about that girl i saw at the hospital No, it can't be Perrie, get that out of your head, he would never, he said he didnt.....but then again he always did lie, and manipulate people for his own good. I turn to see Zayn deeply asleep facing me, and so is Mason, they look completly alike, i hae to capture this. Turning on the side lamp i snap a picture of my two true loves and well decide to post it. 'Couldn't sleep, but found myself staring at this. What do you think mixers? I think they might be twins :)' as soon as its posted it starts to become a thing, i cant belive how lucky i am to have my perfect little family.

9 Months Later

"Oh look who's here Mason! It's Aunt Jesy!" and there is that wonderful sound, he starts to happy scream as he comes running in his little walker (IDK if thats how you say it) "Hi baby!! how is my beautiful boooy?" he looks at her with the biggest smile ever, you see, he only does that to: Zayn, Jesy, Both grandmas and i. guess we're just his favorites, she picks him up "Oh wow, he's getting heavy!" "Right? but he is just so chubby and adorable" "Oh yes he is!!" she says playing with him "Do yu want to go out side?" she walks with him out side, i go to the kitchen "So aunt jesy is here?" "Uhu! he just loves her, look at them" we see them on the swing "She should have a baby" "Oh she want's one, believe me" "She would make such a nice mom, look at her" "Yeah, she would" i smile at the sight "So this new tour thing, i'm a bit worried" "What, why?" "Well, first of all we have tour-" "But it is at it's the end, and your worried about Mace, aren't you?" "Well yes, my mom can't come, she inst even here and we're all going to be on stage" "Well you can get a nanny" "Zayn we agreed on no nanny's" "Perrie, we said not on a full time basis, it will just be a couple of days...i doubt Mason will forget the fact that your his mother, okay?" "Fiiiine, if i have to" "Good, now can i continue with my master piece" "Sure, go on Michael Angelo" i laugh "Hey it is!" "Sure sure...what ever you say big pun intended!" "Laugh again and you can order take out for lunch" "Ohhhh so scared!" i say walking out side to meet Jesy "Hi baba" i coo, he immediately extends his arms to me and bounces on her lap "Okay come here" i sit on the grass and he attempts to crawl and has success, Ha! "So whatcha gonna do with this one in these weeks?" "Well, unfortunately get a nanny" "Oh don't get your knickers in a twist, it's gonna be okay, i mean its not like he's going to forget that your his mother" "Funny, Zayn said the same thing" we both laugh "It's not that, i know he wont, but i just don't want to trust a stranger with my child" "And what about grandma Trisha?" "She's on holiday with the girls and Yaser" "Well then, a nanny it is Edwards." "So where is my bestie?" "He's working on his 'masterpiece' '' " He's cooking isn't he?" we both laugh "Yes, yes he is" "I don't know why but he always thought he was so good at cooking....for some reason i don't fully understand after all these years!" "I heard that" "Oh shit, it's the food police, i better run" she teases "Oh you too huh?" "Whaat? c'mon, your food is....average" "hahaaa!" i laugh "Shit's about to get real!" he tackles her to the ground and here they go, Mason stares intently at a laughing aunt Jesy and his father, he starts to pout and whine, threatening to cry...and he does "Ow baby, no it's okay" i carry him and pat his back "Ok guys stop, you scared him" "I'm sorry Mace, but Aunt jesy was being mean" "I'm okay baba, look i'm okay see?" she coo's at him, he blinks away the tears in his eyes and extends his arms to Jesy "Oh hoho, your so cute when you cry" she says "And you, get back to cooking before you make your son cry again" i tell Zayn while kissing his cheek "I will" he pecks my lips and leaves.


"So these are the piles; Yes. No. Maybe. Definitely maybe" i point to each one "Really? Definitely Maybe?" "Yes Jade, i need the perfect person" "Ok ok, calm down" we all laugh, as i was looking through some info on nanny's Jade and Jesy had arrived.

"Ooh, this one looks interesting, Harvard university, psychologist, she's 24 years old. loves classical music....and she loves extreme sports." "No." "Perrie are you kidding me, Harvard university!" "Ok first of all, someone that studied in that university and has no do i put it? No good?" "Ugh" "Plus, extreme sports, uh uh" i shake my head, it's been about an hour and we haven't found anyone. "Okay, so it's been to long, maybe we can just tie his stroller to the side of the stage or something" i nearly spit all over the white carpet, not to mention i was drinking red wine "Hahaha oh my god Jade, that is a horrible idea. Remind me to double check before i let you baby sit ever again" we keep laughing, gosh these girls "Well if you think about it..." says Jess but well we just keep laughing. "So this motherhood thing, has it finally settled in?" "Well, i suppose, i mean after 9 months it's not any easier, even tho we do get sleep now" "Oh so that's why you have a better mood now" "Oh shut up Jess" "Well i'm just so glad you gave us the pleasure of having that little bundle of joy" "Awee, he is isn't he?" "Yeah, see jesy, if you would have put an end to it you wouldn't be thanking me" "Ha-ha, i know i said that but c'mon, you really wanted me to just stand there and make you guys stop having sex? it was already pretty disturbing watching you do it so....i was better off walking you planned it so...." "Okay yes that's true. So Jadey, you and harry, what's going on?" "Uh-w-why?" Jesy and i look at each other "Did you just see that?" i ask Jess "I sure did....Jadey...what did you do?" "N-nothing" "Oh my god, look at that blush, you do know that you are the worst liar right?" "Noooo! i am so not!" "Hell yes Jade" Jesy says "Jade Whatever you did....SPILL IT" we look at her intently "Ugh okay fine" she stays quiet "TELL US!" we both yell, "W-w-well....i um...i kinda men another guy?"....

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