Chapter 6 - Wedding Day.

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"PERRIE PERRIE PERRIE!!!!!" I shoot up from bed, three girls are jumping on my bed shouting, all i can do is Laugh "YOU GETTING MARRIED, AND YOUR EXCIIIIIIIIIIITED!" Jade sings "Oh my god, what a way to wake up! i thought you would all be hung over from last night" "Pff please, we can handle ourselves!" "Yeah, plus we have no time for that, Girl You gettin' married!" i love these girls, i don't know what i'd do without them! "So get up you lazy bum, take a nice bath and when you are done we will go have breakfast, than get details in place and then we shall all get and help you get ready!" "Kaaay" they all jump on me, we all laugh, they climb down the bed and walk towards the door "Girls?" "Yeah?" "Thanks, for everything" Jade winks at me "That's what friends are for" Jesy shrugs "We love you pezz" Leigh says, awe my heart melts! they walk out, i get out of bed and go into the bathroom, i strip off my clothes, i look into the mirror while the bath fills up "Perrie Edwards, you are getting married today" i smile, thinking that today is the day when we start the rest of our lives together, i get my phone and call that person that makes my day "Hello?" that sexy groggy voice hits my ear "Hey sleepy head, did i wake you?" "Umm...yeah, kinda...but its okay, i had to get up anyways, how are you?" "Fine, a bit nervous for today!" "No need to be, everything will be just fine" "Ugh i know, but i just cant help it" "Perrie your the princess, this is your day, just enjoy it babe" "Awe, but its also your day....will i see you later on?" "Of course, i need to see you, and hug you and kiss you" i blush "I need that too, but i have to go, I'm going to take a bath" "Hmmm, can i join you?" " have to get ready" "Yeah but not for a few hours" "As much as i would like that, the girls are going to be checking on me, and i don't think that's a good idea" "Fine, but i will see you at breakfast okay?" "Yes, that sounds great, see you later baba" "Bye! i love you Miss Edwards!" i cant help but smile "I love you too." i leave my phone and get into the tub, i let the warm water relax my body, well kinda, im too excited to relax, i start to think of everything that could go wrong "No perrie, everything is going to be fine, you just need to calm down, i cant calm down, i really hope today is not a disaster! i get out of the tub, i cant stay still, i grab a light dress, brush my hair and head down, as i am going down i see all these workers carrying things to the yard out back, there are cars coming in and out and the nerves hit me more, i get to the kitchen and our families are there, also the girls, all the boys are probably hung over, i sit on the bar with the girls as my plate gets served, "That was fast! i thought you would take longer" "Leigh I'm so nervous that i couldn't stay still" "Haha, well you wanted a wedding! Don't worry everything will be fine, and if something goes wrong we are all here to help" "Yes we are all here for you" my mom gives me a tight hug "Thank you, really, i feel like i wont be able to handle this" "Perrie, everything is set for today, don't worry, i can handle this" "Miss Allen i don't know what i would do with out you" "Please, no need to thank me, ive known your mother for a long time and i am happy i could help" i give her a small smile, suddenly we hear loud voices, laughing and shouting, we all look at each-other "Boys" i roll my eyes and keep eating, im startled by my chair spinning, a longing kiss is planted on my lips, i close my eyes and let them take over, the sweet sweet tastes of his lips, i don't want it to end, "Hey save some for the honeymoon!" Jade shouts "Yeah, plus your grossing me out!" shouts Jesy, we part and i giggle, then jake runs to Jesy and kisses her "Yeah, look who's talking" i mock "This is different, we are not getting married!" i look at Zayn and put my hand on his cheek, he looks down at me "How is my future wife?" "A lot better now, trust me" "Good because today is her day and i want you to enjoy it to the fullest" "I will" he kisses my forehead as i pull him to me, he wraps his arm around me, i feel so small in his arm, but i like it , James and Annie come into the kitchen with little Nina, i love that kid "Hi guys, how is my god daughter?" i open my arms to her as she bounces in her mothers arm and stretches hers to me, i carry her "Hi beautiful, you are getting big!" i say in a baby voice, she sucks on her hand and then puts it on my cheek, i giggle "Oh my, that is a slobbery hand" i kiss her chubby cheek "Hey she is my god daughter too!" Zayn takes her from me and lifts her as she giggles in the air, "Zayn please be careful" i say, "Don't worry she loves it!" he kisses her neck causing her to giggle, i watch him with the baby, looking at her with love, and then i think to myself 'This mas is going to be the father of my children, and i am so happy for that' i smile at the scene, after a while she start to get fussy and stretches her arm out to me "Ow come here, is uncle Zayn being mean? yesh he is" she takes in deep breaths as she calms down, i swear this is the cutest baby in the world "Whoa, don't put ideas in her head, Uncle Zayn is the best" "Uhu, keep talking malik" i laugh at him, i bounce her in my arm, and give her back to her mom, zayn leans in and whispers something in my ear "You are going to be a great mother" i blush "Toché!". "So as much as i would love to see these two be all lovey dovey, we have to go, its 12 and they have to start getting ready okay?" "Jess you kill me you know that?" "Zayn i am just trying to make this possible!" "I know" he hugs her, what would i do with out her?.

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