Chapter 13 - Where It All Starts

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"Perrie you lied to me!" "What? how did i lie?" i laugh "Well Last time you girls where here i asked you if you where pregnant and you said no, and i have proof" she giggles, a video comes up on the screens

" i have one last question before we play a game" "Sure!" "Perrie, its for you.....there have been rumors and speculations....Are you pregnant? are we having Zerrie babies?" "No."

"See, you lied, why?" "Well, okay here the thing, we did know but we wanted everything to be okay, and we wanted to be really sure about it" "but you still lied! But i forgive you, so how did all this happen, did you guys want it, where you planning on a baby or did it just happen?" "Umm no, we talked and thought about it and decided we would try, and well if it happened it happened and if not well we would just wait" "Wow, well i am very happy for you, so you are pregnant right?" the audience laughs, i motion my small belly "Yes Ellen i am!" i laugh "Well just making sure, i don't trust you anymore" "Hahaha i know, I'm sorry" "Do you know what its going to be? a boy or a girl?" "Ummm.....we don't know" "You don't know? OR you don't want to tell me?" i laugh, "No we don't know" "Well i want to know, and as you know in my show i always predict the sex of the baby, so i say its going to be a boy" "Well you never know!" "Its going to be a boy" she stated, we all giggle "We'll see, when i know you'll be the first to know!" "I hope so, what do you girls think it will be?" "I think a boy " says lee "I thin its a girl" "Yeah me too say Jesy and Jade "And you Perrie?" "I don't know" "So does Zayn think its a boy or a girl?" "He says he doesn't mind if its a girl or a boy but i know him, he does want to know and he wants one of them, I've tried to make him tell me but he wont crack, so i guess we'll see" "Awe that's very cute, so your due for July, your birthday is in July, do you think it will be a lucky baby and you will have it on your birthday?" "Oh god, i don't know, that would be amazing but i don't know, i just want it to be easy" i shrug "Are you scared for the birth?" "Im, i don't know, i just really hope its not that pain full, but i know it will be worth it" "Well im so glad for you guys, and tell Zayn he has to tell me what he thinks, and ou have an amazing team, i mean you have these three lovely ladies to help you, im very happy you came back to the show, and we will see you this Sunday at the Grammy's...."   

Its been 5 Months since perrie found out she is pregnant, she and Zayn couldn't be happier, as for their friends and family where to, they where all excited fot the arrival of their child, now she is 5 months pregnant, they have been very busy these past few months, having concerts and constantly traveling, but even tho all this was happening, Perrie never failed to see Zayn, he would fly to see her or she would to see him, and Zayn made sure he nevver missed a doctors appointment. The media has been going crazy about this whole thing, everyone seems to be talking about it, Perrie will be mom of the year apparently, everyone is in love with Zerrie, they love Perrie's style, how she pulls any outfit off with her belly which looks quite cute...

"Zayn are you sure you will make it in time?" "Love i will, its just a little traffic" "Yeah you said hat an hour ago, you know why its important" "Perrie, ill be there, dont worry please" "Zayn of you dont get here on time-" "My love, i know this is probably the most important appointment, and i know you are excited but so am i, im going to make it, i love you okay?" i pout "Okay" "And dont pout" "But how did you-" "O love you darling"  "Love you too" i hang up with a smile on my face, i look down at my belly and rub it "Your daddy will make it in time...and if he doesn't, guess who's sleeping on the couch" i laugh to my self, these 5 months haven't been paradise, im hungry every hour, i get crazy cravings, specially in the middle of the night, my mood swigs are off the Chain, for example 

*Flashback *

"PERRIE!" "WHAT?" "Are you upstairs?" "Yes" i hear his footsteps running up "Perrie, hi love" i sniffle, my eyes red and puffy, my nose also red "Oh babe whats wrong, are you okay, is the baby okay, do you need something, what can i do?" "Zayn im fine" "Then why are you crying?" "I dont know, i just feel like it okay?" he puts a strand of hair behind my ear and chuckles "Dont laugh, why are you laughing?" "You just look so cute" "Zayn, i just. ugh.. can you please hug me?" i frown, he chuckles again "Come here" he sits nest to me on the bed and i cuddle into him, his chin rests on my head and i hug him tightly "I missed you" "I was just gone for 15 minutes" "So? i love you too much to be that much time away from you" "I missed you too, and this little one" he says rubbing my belly, he is so in love, and he cant wait for our baby to be born, he lays down lower on the bed and lifts up my shirt, i smile as he gives it a small kiss, "Hey baby, i cant wait for you to come out, so i can kiss you and hold you, you will be the most beautiful baby, i mean with the impossibly beautiful and hot mom you have youll be the cutest of them all" i laugh at his words "Well your daddy isn't that bad himself"  "I know" he crawls on top of me and kisses me "Mmmmm" i slowly open my eyes and stare into his "I love you" "I love you more" "No, i don't think that's possible, you see Mrs. Malik, i love you so much that nothing in this universe, no word or action could describe my love for you" how the hell does he still do that, he still gives me that feeling, you know, when you feel this amazing thing in your stomach that gets you excited and makes you want to shout and jump of happiness, he just makes me fall in love more and more every single day, and i don't know how he does it "You are such a cheater!" "I know" he smirks "Zayn..." "Yes love?" "Con you get me some french fries?" "Of course, do you want anything else?" "Yes, ice cream please?" he chuckles "I didn't think it was possible you could eat this much!" "Hey what's that supposed to mean? im eating for two now you know?" "I know i know, ill be right back" "Hurry please" "Yes babe" he shakes his head and leaves the room.

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