Chapter 2 - ITALY

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"So jess i wanted to ask you" "Yeah whats up?" "Well i dont want to get too cheesy but, you have been with me from the beginning, and you went miles to help me get back together with Zayn and look where it got us now! So, Jessica Louise Nelson" "Yes Perrie?" we act very dramatic "Will you give me the pleasure of being my Maid of Honour?" "Oh Perrie i thought you'd never ask!" we acted like it was a freaking wedding proposal! "So are you trading her for me now?" we didnt even notice Zayn was standing there "Maybe, i mean, she is prettier" "Hey ive got my stuff"  "Nah Zayn you can compete with me, you see, we have always been crazy for each other, we just didnt want to make it obvious" he acts hurt "Is this true Perrie?" "Yes Zayn im afraid it is..." "Ugh, well could you atleast kiss to see if its real?" "Yes, we will prove it" i touch jesy's cheeck as she does with me we're both holding our laughter in, we lean in "Wait, dont move, stay like that" he starts to jerk off in the air "Ew Zayn!! thats so inappropriate" "Its pretty hot actually" he turns around and start to walk away "Your an idiot!!" i yell "I love you" he yells back "You guys are crazy for each other" "You have no idea!" "So maid of honor huh?" "Yes, you deserve it more than anybody!" "Aweee thank you, it will be my pleasure...and who are the bride maid's?" "Well lets see.." i get up and keep packing "Lee, Jade, Katherine,  Ellie and thats it" "And Zayn?" "Ugh dont even get me started on that, he just has Harry as best man, and the boys but he need 2 more, so i dont know, Oh he wanted to Ask Jake, do you think he would want to?" "Yeah probably, you know it surprised me how they reall got along!" "I know, im glad they did" "Okay so is this all you are going to take?" "Yes, i think so" "Babe, we have to go now, the jet is ready" "Ok let me close this, you have your stuff already right?" "Yes, Perrie dont worry stop stressing" he walks to me and pecks my lips "Your right" i close my suitcase, he takes it and grabs my hand "Lets go!" "Lets go" the three of us head out of the apartment, i lock the door, since we are leaving for a couple of weeks.

We drive to the runway, we couldn't go to the airport because we want to keep this as private as possible, we arrive there and all of the boys and girls are there, we greet them, all of our parent are going on a different Jet, we want to have fun, so they will let us, "So who is ready to PARTY!!?" screams Jade "WE ARE!!" we all shout, we board the jet, Me and Zayn sit together obviously, Lee and Jordan, Jesy and Jake, and Liam and Sophia on and on, we where all seated i hug Zayn's arm tight, the feeling of the Jet taking off is weird, when we are finally in the air everyone os talking their butts off, but me and Zayn just talk to each other, "I cant believe we're doing this!" "I can, in a week im going to be the happies man on earth, and next to you is the best thing in the world" he takes my chin with his fingers and pulls me in for a kiss, i giggle againts his lips and kiss him again "No PDA PLEASE!" someone shouts "Hey leave us alone!" i yell back and laugh "Did i tell you how hot you look today?" (Pic on the side) "Perrie Edwards, no you have not" "Well you do...and im loving it" i say baiting my lower lip "Dont do that" "What?" "Bite your lip" "Why?" he leans to my ear "If you dont want me to take you right here dont do that" my mouth goes into an O shape "Fine, but what about when we get to Italy?" "Maybe..if your a good girl" i squint at him, i lean my head on his shoulder as he puts his arm around me, he pecks my head.

2 Hours later we finally start to see the city, "Zayn look, were here!!" i smile at him "We are."

It took a bit of time to get everyone to the Vineyard, we drive through mountains, the whole sight of this place is amazing, after a few minutes of driving on the rock road, we finally make it, we got there a week early to enjoy the family and friends, after that we will leave for the honeymoon, you can see the huge terrain, the long rows of Grape vines, and the humongous house in the middle of it, i feel really excited, Zayn hugs my waist as we look out the window, i squeeze his hand, we get to the beautiful house, it looks like those old houses but so beautiful, its surrounded by trees, and grass, ugh its just amazing, we stand in the short road that leads to the house  "Oh my god Perrie this place is amazing!" Says Leigh "I know, its beautiful" we all stare in awe "Hey guys, race you" we look over to Liam that has Sophia on his back we all go with it "Quick" Zayn hurries me, i jump on "Wait, what are we getting out of this?" "Right, last ones there buy the beer" "Well get ready to lose" says Zayn "Oh its on Maliks!" Jakesy shout "On your marks....get set....go!" i yell, we al scream holding on for our lives, we make it to the entrance of the place, surprisingly Niall and Katherine won "Hey not fair, Kat fell and got back on" i protest "Hey its not my fault you guys are not fast" "Hahah fine, i forgive you" "Good morning, My name Is Filipo, welcome to the Azienda Bellusi! These people will lead you all to your room, and i will take you to your room Mr. and Mrs. Malik" "Oh not yet, not yet" "Ah, i understand Miss" "Edwards" "Right, follow me please" "See you guys" "Bye!" the shout, i take Zayn's arm, we walk behind the man, as we enter its a Square structure that goes all around, two Levels, there is a fountain in the middle of the little square in the building, the whole plave is make of rocks and there are vines on the walls, its just amazing, we finally get to the room "And this is your Room,later on we will give you a tour so you know where to go! Enjoy your stay!" "Thank you!" i shut the door, there are these big windows, i open them and its a beautiful sight, i walk around the room, its pretty big and just super cool, i feel his arms around me, he puts his chin on my shoulder "Are you happy?" "Oh my god, are you kidding?, im more than happy!" "Good, because we have a whole week to spend here, and them we are off to Greece for our honey moon" "Hmmm i like that"  we move side to side slowly "I like this, just you, and me, nobody to see us" he spins me around to face him, his arms around me, i hug him "I love you so much, but you know that right?" "of course, his chis rests on my head "remember the first time we said i love you?" i giggle "Yeah, it was on valentines day, and you were so nervous" "I was not!" "Of course you were! i think i even saw you sweat a bit" "Okay, maybe a little nervous, but you dont get left behind" "Hey when i said it, i was fine" "Yeah but not the way you expect to tell someone that!" "Zayn we were at the theme park on the faris wheel, you kissed me and  i said 'I think i love you' " "LIES!" "Hahhaha what?" "Yes, that was not it, it was when we got lost when we were going to that party, and everything was going wrong, and we had to take the cake, and i said something funny which made you finally mad, you hugged me and said 'Your an Idiot' and it was then" "how the hell do you do that? you know me so well" "I do" i look up at him and pucker my lips, we peck a few times before we actually kiss.

The day went by so fast, we took a tour of the place, we all had dinner together, we explores a bit of the place, i was super tired at the end, i just wanted to go to bed.

I come out of the bathroom, teeth brushed and my cute boxers with a light shirt, i get into bed and Zayn pulls me to him "We're actually doing this" he looks into my eyes "Yes, we are, im so nervous...Zayn what if something goes wrong?" "Perrie, nothing will go wrong, and if it does, i'll fix it" he pecks my nose "Okay" i kiss his perfect pink lips, i pull away baiting his lip "Ow, your naughty" "Oh yeah? what are you going to do about it?" i start to kiss him again, but this time i start to get on top of him "Hmmm" me moans, i sit on his waist, he starts to move under me, i do to, "Zayn, we cant" i say against his lips "Why?" "My parents and  your parents are here, and the rest of our family and friends" "So, its not like they haven't done it before!" he kisses me and i shake it off, he's right "ugh Zayn" i sit up "Perrie they cat hear us, these walls are made of stone" i see his pleading eyes, i smile and lean down and kiss him, i start to grid my hips, i feel him get hard, we are both so turned on right now i take off my shirt he sits up, our faces only millimeters away, he kisses my neck and finds my soft spot i moan in pleasure he starts to move down, kissing my chest, i do the same to him giving him a small love bite on his neck, i smirk at him, we kiss again and keep moving, he flips me over really fast causing me to laugh,  he takes off his boxers as so do i, he positions himself over me and ever so very slowly enters me, his length filling every inch, the pleasure is too much i let out a yell, he repeats this every time, thrusting in and out so slow, our moans and my occasional scream fill the room, he starts to speed up, i wrap my legs around him feeling him even deeper inside me causing me to scream as he bangs me into the bed, i grab hold on to the sheets not able to contain the pleasure, i then place my hands on his back, my nails lightly digging into his back, he kisses me and bites my lip "Cum for me Perrie" "OH ZAYN!" my back arches at the feeling, as i dig my nails deeper into him but not so deep, i yell a bit to loud and so does he, his pace slowly dying, he lays beside me, we both pant, i snuggle unto his chest, he both move around, "You really came this time" "Hmm why?" i hum into his chest "The bed is wet" he chuckles "Thats what you cause".

So i have good and bad news, Bad one is that on Monday i start School, but the good news is that i am loving the plot of this story and i will do everything possible to update as much as i can! Thanks for reading! x 

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