Chapter 14 - Confused.

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I stir in bed as i start to wake up, i let my arm fall next to me but the bed is empty, i then remember, Zayn was going to have his Private training thing with that girl, i get up and put on some lose pants and one of Zayns jumpers, its amazing how i feel so small in them, it has his smell its just so nice, i put my hair up in a ponytail and head to the gym, i walk down the stairs and hear his breath, i smile to see he is all sweaty, but notice the trainer, zayn is laying on the table thing while she is stretching his leg...hmmm i don't like the way she is looking at him, much less the way she is touching him "Hmmm whats going on here?" i say innocently with a smirk, he looks up and immediately gets up and walk to me, i clearly see the girl roll her eyes...bitch "Good morning love" he pecks my  lips, "How are my two beautiful sunshine's?" i giggle as he touches my belly "We are fine but you are disgusting" he chuckles and tries to hug me, i duck out of the hug  and walk to the side "No, your all sweaty, ew! but who is this?" i motion to the girl "Oh this is Sam, shes the personal trainer i told you about" i stretch out my hand as she scans me, i smile, a very false smile "Hi, I'm Perrie, Zayn's wife" i warn "Oh right, I'm, well as he already told you, I'm can call me Samantha" i roll my eyes, but keep it to myself, "Hm, well nice to meet you *NOT*" "Same" i turn to Zayn and kiss him, making sure this bitch knows he's mine, not that i have to worry but you never know, "I love you, but im hungry" i smile "Okay, go eat i love you too" he hugs me "Hahha Zayn nooo, i love you but not like this" i laugh and walk out "Ill be waiting for you" i shout as i walk up the stairs "Okay, be there in a bit".  

As i get to the kitchen i open the fridge and take out the ingredients to make breakfast, i put on music to start the day, i start to cook. We are currently working on our 5th album, we decided to do it because it was time and it all falls perfectly in place, we dont have to do shows and i can have a nice calm stress free pregnancy, just 4 more moths and this kid will be in my arms, not that im complaining but its not really that nice being pregnant, but at the same time it is, why? because i have so many moods swigs and I'm always hungry, my feet get swollen, its not easy carrying another person in you, i cant bend down, lift heavy stuff, i can barely reach the cabinets in the kitchen, my clothes don't fit, i have to be constantly changing them, but the bright side to all of this is that we are so happy and cant wait to have our baby, we already have the room for the nursery, and we've started to buy little clothes, and its SO cute, and i have been reading non stop book on the pregnancy, on what to do and not, even tho i have my two wonderful mothers to help me with that, i mean they raised us and we turned out pretty well i guess!


I'm so sad, guys with all these Zerrie rumours going around my feelings are all over the place, I know Zayn probably wouldn't cheat but i don't know, he doesn't deserve this much hate no matter what he did, and neither does Pezza, they are both human and have feelings, and since he left the tour it makes all this so much more confusing, but i just really hope that they work it all out and do whatever is best for them, and as long as they are happy im happy. So until all this straightens out i wont be writing, cuz if they split, I'm sorry but there is no more point to this story, so until we have the confirmation i wont be updating. All this also being the reason of the shortness of this story.  Lets send them lots of love ans support! AND DON'T FORGET #VoteLittleMixUK #KCA

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