Chapter 16 - Little Things

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A Few weeks before...

Its not pleasnt waking up, going to the kitchen and the first person you see is Samantha, i've tried to be nice but lets face it, we hate eachother.

"Good morning sam, didnt expect you to still be here..." i pour myself my cup of Tea "Yeah well i am" she says nicely , i widen my eyes in annoyence, "Well your done arent you?" "Yeah, i just had to talk to my Zaynie" i almost choke "Your Zaynie?" i lift and eyebrow "Yes, is there a problem?" "Actually yes, yes there is, what is it with you hating me?" "I dont hate you" "Yeah and im Beyonce, i know what your trying to do Samantha, but the reality here is that  Zaynie, he is MY husband and if you havent noticed he's the father of the child i have inside my belly, so i dont know what your trying to do but its not going to work, Zayn loves ME, and i thought you had a boyfriend" she gets up and walks to me, i am now really mad but keep my cool "Listen Perrie Edwards-" "Malik but whatever" she rolls her eyes "Listen to me, Zayn is mine, he's falling for me, and guess what, who does he spend more time with? He's been with me every day, and im the one that gets to go on tour with him, while your stuck here, getting fat and never see him" i laugh, with sarcasm ofcourse "Oh wow, look i am so scared right now" i take a step closer to her and stare her down "Listen to me Samantha, you may be the one that sees him every day, but im the one he loves, cares for, the first person he calls in the morning, i am expecting his child because he asked me to, and at the end of the day, im the one that he gets to screw, so you know what, dont think you can come here and tell me he is yours, we have been together for almost 6 years now, and youve only known him a few weeks, he doesnt even know you have....whatever it is you have for him, we have been through much MUCH more worst things than you, so Sammy, you dont scare me one bit." "Oh Perrie, just wait and see, he wont be with you for long" "Bitch, Oh we will see." "Morning Ladies" i take a step back as so does she, she walks to him but he walks to me and i smirk "Morning love, Wow you look really hot today" i say wrapping my arms around his neck and he places his hand on my waist "And you my beautiful and amazing wife do too, how did my two loves sleep?" "Meh, i couldnt really but okay, just a few more weeks to go until we meet him" i Grin "Yes" he kisses me "Sam i thought you where gone already" he says puzzled and i giggle, she shoots me a look "I was just leaving" she storms out, and i laugh "Okay? what the hell is her problem?" "No Idea babe, no idea...."


After my talk with Zayn, i fall fast asleep, even tho 2 hours later i wake up with a craving for an ice popsicle. yes, the perks of being preganant, you can eat whatever the hell you want during the middle of the night, i get up however i can and as quietly as posible so i dont wake up Jess, as i mentioned she's staying here with my mam, and well she sleeps with me cuz i need someone with me or else o cant sleep, my mom cant sleep with someone else so she's in the visitors room. 

After i finish i go back to bed, i suppose i sleep for a few hours until a shooting pain in my stomach wakes me up "Oow" i whisper shout, i then notice something, the bed in wet and so are my thighs. "JESY!" "mm....what?" "My water just broke" "yeeeaahh...." i slap her arm "JESY!!" she sits up, a little too quick "WHAT PERRIE WHAT?" "MY-WATER-JUST-BROKE" her eyes widen and she digs around her purse "Okay, we need to uh- i- have you had  contractions, have you had any?" "Yes, just a few seconds ago, but  calm down" "Okay, we need to get you to the hospital." "Okay, i need you to to get my- AAHHH" another contraction,  i grip her hand "Okay breath, just breath, slowly..." "Ufff, this is not nice" i pant, having contractions is not cool,  i try to catch my breath "Jesy, i need you to get my mom, and call zayn please" "okay, just a second, sit up" i sit up and she places pillows on my back "Okay, is that better?" "Yes" "Ill be right back, you better not have another contraction until i get back!" she says running off and i giggle, i love that woman.

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