Chapter 25

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My hands were shaking so violently and I felt my stomach doing summersaults, the doctor watched over me with a watchful eye as he thought over carefully what to say to me.

"Ms. Hale, I must say, before any final decisions are made, are you sure you wish to go through with this?" I sat in a chair, and he stood over by the counter in the small room watching me as I processed what I was going to say.

"Yes." I replied, but it sounded so broken that I didn't even recognize the voice as my own. The doctor shook his head,

"I have been doing this job for 38 years Ms. Hale, and I can recognize right away this isn't a choice you want to make. I'm assuming this is a spur of the moment decision out of anger, or fear, and you haven't fully registered it yet in your head. Have you talked to the father about this decision yet?" He finished off his sentence with a question that made my heart drop, and fire flare in my veins.

"No, he doesn't want any part in the kid, he's said so himself, he doesn't even want to think it's his." I mumbled out my sentence, each word feeling like glass scraping down my throat and turning it bloody and raw. I watched as the doctor shook his head and gave me a sad smile.

"What I want you to do is take my business card," he grabbed a little rectangle piece of paper off his desk and handed it to me. "I want you to call me in a week, and if you still have the same answer I will do the procedure," he offered me a weak smile as he came and placed a hand on my shoulder and I just stared forward at a blank wall. "I have seen too many lives ruined by spur of the moment decisions and I will not let you follow that same path." When he said all of this I felt a relaxing feeling in my stomach, and I couldn't deny that this man was right, that this was all based off anger. But I knew now I had to talk to Stiles and make a decision with him; as a family.

"Thank you Doctor," I said as I stood up and shook his hand, I turned to grab the doorknob and leave the room but he interrupted me,

"You know... abortions are a high risk for werewolfs. 45% don't make it, not because of the procedure, but because of the trauma of losing their young." His voice was so smooth and my blood turned to ice. I was previously standing at the door with my back facing him, but now I had turned around in a flash with my back pressed to the door and one hand on the brass handle.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I felt my heart in my throat and all my instincts telling me to flee. I watched his mouth quirk up in a half smile and a chuckle rumbled through his chest, bubbling up past his lips.

"Like I said, 38 years in this town Ms. Hale. For one, the name is a dead giveaway, and two, I know a thing or two about the wolves that come in here wanting an abortion. They all act the same." I wasn't sure if the statement relaxed me, or put me more on edge.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I just repeated again, but my voice more twisted. The Doctor just waved his hand at me and rolled his eyes,

"If you think i'm a threat you're greatly mistaken, if I wanted to kill you, why wouldn't I have done it already? No, I'm a man of healing and life." I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion,

"But you work in an abortion clinic? Healing and life isn't really apart of that." Once more he rolled his eyes,

"I'm here to make sure that the people that really want or need it done, get it done. And the people who aren't fully committed, or it could be a danger to them, don't get it done." I shook my head at him, hearing enough, and turned the door handle and walked out.

I was walking out of the clinic when I heard yelling, I turned my head and saw I figure running at me. I squinted my eyes in an attempt to see who it was, but the sun was so bright my eyes had to adjust first. Suddenly I was slammed into and wrapped into a hug,

"Oh god please tell me you didn't get it done." I recognized the voice and I pulled away, my head jerked up and I looked into the  big brown puppy dog eyes of Stiles. I shook my head no and I heard him mumble a 'oh thank god' under his breath. I jerked away suddenly,

"Why would it matter to you anyways?" I asked, feeling really angry about what happened the night before, and now all of a sudden he wanted to swoop in like some hero to try and save me and his child? "You denied me, you said it wasn't yours and you laid hands on me!" I said through gritted teeth, I could hear his heart pick up speed and his head slumped down.

"Your call knocked some sense into me... the thought of having a kid is scary, but the thought of letting you both slip through my fingers is even scarier." I looked at him for a couple seconds after he said that, and just shook my head.

"If you think i'm forgiving you that fast you're dead wrong. You have to make it up to me, show me you actually mean it. Because i'm not getting played Stiles, and this baby sure as hell isn't growing up only to ask the question 'who's my dad?'" I felt the anger in my voice and as he let the words sink in he half smiled at me and wrapped me in a hug.

"I won't, I promise."



Got some Stiles and Cora feels, a crazy doctor and a heavy decision!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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