Chapter 15

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*Marceys POV*
I smiled at Cora as I put the cap on the liquid eyeliner and backed away from her slightly,
"There you go. Irresistible." I grinned at her before flashing her the small hand mirror that I had sitting on the counter and watched her break into a smile, her smokey eyeshadow complemented her brow eyes nicely and went with her tan skin, and her red lipstick made everything pop. I had also done her hair up into curls.
"Thank you so much Marcey," she whispered to me as she ran her hands down her navy blue dress that hung right to her mid thighs.
"Welcome darling, now I'll meet you in the car! Isaac and Jessica should be in there already." She smiled and gave me a thumbs up before retreating out of the bathroom.
I closed my eyes an took a deep breath before turning to face the mirror I was standing before and took in my appearance:
I had my hair pulled up into a sleek high ponytail with a strand of hair falling In front of my face slightly that I had curled, my eyeshadow was just like Cora's; smokey. And my lips were stained with a nice peach color. My body was snugly tucked into a tight fitting black dress that hugged my mid thigh tightly and was sleeveless, I quickly slipped on a pair of black heels and bit my lip.
"You look beautiful." A smile lit up my face and I turned and threw my arms around Derek,
"You sure you don't want to be my hot date?" I asked with a wink, Derek chuckled slightly and shook his head,
"I don't look like I could pass for a high schooler, but you graduated early, so you'll blend in." I let out a pleading sigh. But Derek just pecked me on the lips before slapping my butt. "They're all waiting for you in the car, have fun!" I sent him a playful glare,
"You better enjoy this. I will never get back in one of these black dresses ever again Derek Hale!" And with that I made my quick exit out of the loft and out to the car, 'damn Derek' I thought playfully.

When we arrived at the party we all immediately split up different ways and I made my way over to the beverage table, I took a sniff and smelt the alcohol, I eyed it suspiciously before shrugging and downing a drink; if I had to be here, I was going to have a good time.

I took up a little shot glass, filled with pink liquid and downed it quickly trying to drown out the sound and smell of horny high schoolers.
This is why I wanted to be out early.
I crinkled my nose in disgust as the bitterly sweet liquid made it's way down my throat, I smiled slightly in satisfaction and downed a little bit more before just picking up a cup of something strong smelling and making my way to the dance floor, I waved my wands above my head and laughed along to nothing in particular... It's been a while sense I've been drunk, why not enjoy it before I have a hangover tomorrow morning? So I took a giant gulp from my cup; let a weird sound bubble up past my lips and kept dancing with the music, not having a single care in the world.

*Cora's POV*

I saw Marcey dip to the drink table and I already knew it was going to be my job to carry her drunk self home. I looked around and was surprised when I turned to find Stiles right behind me,
"Oh, hey Stiles!" I yelled over the music,
"Hey Cora! Some party eh?" He asked, I nodded quickly and agreed with him. He just laughed before busting out into some crazy dance move, I looked around the crowd for a second to see if anyone was staring at the teen's crazy dance moves... But when I saw no one cared I decided to dance along side him, I mean why not enjoy this night? If I was going to be at a party might as well... Party!

"Want me to go get some drinks?" Stiles yelled over the crowd, I smiled an nodded at him and kept dancing, I turned around and scanned the crowd once more, but quickly froze in my spot. Isaac.
Usually I wouldn't really bother when Isaac was in a make out session... But this time i did.
I froze in my spot and I watched as Isaac proceeded to intensely make out with Allison, groping and grabbing at her, wow... I really am nothing to him, and I guess neither was Jessica. I felt tears burn my eyes, oh god, not here...

"Cora? What's going on ? Why are you crying ?" Stiles's worried voice suddenly sounded although I could barely hear him, the music and the people around us were too loud.
I didn't dare answer, just kept trying to wipe my tears away, I was afraid that it was too noticeable and everyone at The party would start questioning me. I tried to smile at Stiles and left the living room. I aimed for the bathroom, wanting to check on my mascara Marcey worked so hard on and my burning red cheeks, but it was already taken.
Everyone around me was having fun, dancing and laughing, This party was a success, like most highschool party's are, but my head was spinning, probably because of that glass of alcohol i just had, trying to erase the image of Isaac and Alison on the dancefloor, exchanging a pretty intense kiss, her body pressed against his and that tender look on his face that I had only seen him give to Jessica.
I closed my eyes for a second, feeling a hand holding me and pulling me away. Stiles had followed me and was now guiding me to another door, near the staircase. I went down the few stairs leading to the modern basement of the house and as soon as Stiles had shut the door behind him, a relaxing silence filled the place.

"What's wrong?" He asked, in a soft tone.
His words are all it took for tears to start rolling down my cheeks again.

"I just... I just saw Isaac and Allison making out, and I know that he's not my boyfriend and that I shouldn't be worked up about this... But I DO like him Stiles, and this just proves I'm not good enough for him! Allison... She's with Scott for Christ's sake!" I answered, shaken by a violent sob.
Stiles's arms closed around me, pulling me against him, and i allowed myself to cry silently against his chest.

"That bastard..." I heard him mumble with anger.
I looked up to him, eyes still wet and left a quick peck on his lips, taking him by surprise. He looked back at me for a long time before he finally pressed his lips on mine, his hands softly caressing my back until the kiss intensified. With all his will, he took a step back from me.

"I think you're upset, and probably drunk... judging by the taste of your lips..." He said

"I'm upset, but I am not drunk."
I stated, raising my eyebrow at him
"Okay, prove it... Tell me the alphabet backwards." He replied.
"Oh come on, I have to sing the alphabet in my head everytime I open a dictionary, I can't do it backwards, even if I am sober!" I replied, getting slightly flustered.
He looked at me carefully but eventually came to the conclusion that i wasn't drunk; although I had drank a glass.

"So what, you want to use me to avenge yourself?" He asked.
"Partly." I admitted. "Does that bother you...?" I asked, suddenly feeling kind of guilty,

"Not at all" He replied, with a happy smile, pulling me into a deep kiss.
His hands started caressing my back again, eventually sliding down under my dress to touch my skin. I imitated him and he broke the kiss to pull his shirt off, offering my hands a better access to his chest.
I took a few steps backwards, pulling him with me until my back hit the washing machine, understanding, his hands made their way to the back of my dress, slowly unbuttoning it, interrupting himself everytime the kiss we were exchanging got more intense.
Although i was eager, i forced myself to slow down so that he could focus on taking my dress off. He pulled it down, along with my panties, and lifted me up to sit me on the machine.
I started kissing him passionately again, while I started unbuttoning his pants. Once i had opened them, they fell to his knees and his hand replaced mine, taking his dick out of his boxers.
I spread my legs, welcoming him, and he slowly entered me. He gave me some time to adjust and placed his hands on each side of me, holding on to the edge of the machine as he started thrusting. He leaned down against me and i closed my arms around his shoulders, trying to hold my body close to his. I closed my legs around his waist to give him a better access but after a while, he had to increase his pace and the pleasure building inside me made it to hard for me to keep them up around him. I moaned as he kept driving me closer and closer to my climax before the two of us came at the same time, both loudly panting.

We both sat there silently for a few minuets in the same position as we just breathed until he pulled himself out of me, our eyes met and we exchanged a smile before I planted a soft kiss on his lips, and we started the whole thing up again.

I don't even care how much shit I'll be in later.




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