chapter 18

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I tapped my pencil impatiently on the desk as I sat out on the bleachers of the high school waiting for the Lacrosse players to come out, It had been a while since I have been to any of the practices to help assist Coach, but I was happy when I saw he was still content to have be back.

Scott and Isaac were one of the first ones out an on the field, so I straightened up my posture a little and took notes on my clipboard. ‘Mccall and Lahey first ones out’ Flinn Stock was having me take notes on all the little things the players did because for some reason he was wanting to “praise them more for the little things they do,” but in reality I think he just finally got tired of all the parents calling in and telling him he treats his players too harshly… or at least thats what all 27 different voicemails left on his answering machine have to say.

“Hey you’re back,” Isaac said as he came over and sat down next to me, slapping my back and smiling down at me.

“Yeah, coach was telling me Greenberg was missing me,” I winked at Isaac and he let out a short laugh and tipped his head back. Scott playfully rolled his eyes before following isaac and also sitting down next to me, Isaac was about to say something but Coach cut him off short by calling him over. He smiled apologetically before hopping up and jogging over to him, Scott and I sat quietly for a few seconds before he turned to me and looked at me in a concerned way,

“So, how was last night with Jessica?” I pursed my lips together and shrugged my shoulders.

“To be quite honest I don’t know what gotten into all the younger ones around the house… Isaac, Cora, Jessica… they’ve all been acting too weird for my liking; it’s like something went on that they don't want to tell any of us and it’s kind of annoying…” Scott bit his lip and nodded,

“I get it… Stiles has been the same way,” I squinted my eyes together and looked around the field,

“Where is Stiles?” I questioned, just noticing the sarcastic teen was no where to be found. Scott kind of gave me this look before continuing,

“See, Thats what im saying! When has Stiles ever missed a practice or game for anything if it wasn't supernatural related?” He asked, I bit my lip in realization and made a ‘hmph’ noise in defeat.

“Okay…” I dragged out, “So something is going on; but what?” I pinned. Scott shrugged his shoulders and stood up brushing off his pants and turning to look at me,

“I have no idea… but we should probably try to find out.”


I had the boys doing suicides up and down the field, followed by other different forms of exercise that they all would grown at.

"Okay boys take a water break, we'll be back at it in a few!" I announced, walking over to the other side of the bleachers where I had left my purse, along with my cellphone. I shuffled through a couple things until I finally got to the pocket that I left my phone.

-0 New Messages-

I sighed and opened up a blank message and addressed it to Stiles,

'Um... What the hell dude? You're going to have a shit load of exercises to make up for this practice... Also hope you have a good excuse for this." I locked my phone and stuffed it back into my purse, irritated at his immature behavior....

"Any news from Stiles?" I looked behind me and saw Isaac and Scott, both bearing their phones in hand. I shook my hand and placed my hands in my pocket,

"Nope... any of you?" I asked, and I was answered with two brisk shakes of the head from both of them, I scrunched my face up but nodded, "Okay then... back to practice," I muttered.


Once practice was over I decided to take a detour home and stop by the Stilinski residence.

I pulled up to the house and was happy to see the police car parked in the driveway, along with the faded blue beat up jeep that belonged to Stiles.

I made my way up the front steps and to the front door of the house, I straightened up my back slightly as I held up my fist and banged twice on the wooden door, I waited a few minutes as I heard the sound of footsteps come closer and closer. The door was suddenly thrown open and Stiles locked eyes for a heartbeat before he slammed the door.

"STILES!" I yelled, throwing the door back open,

"No, No company today," he said, closing the door again. This went on for a few minutes before Sheriff Stilinski came down right when I was in the middle of throwing the door open,

"What in god's name is going on down here?" He asked, looking between the both of us. Stiles and I locked eyes once more before I blurted out

"Stiles is being an ass face," my voice sounding like a whiney 5 year old, The Sheriff just gave me an amused look before looking back at his son,

"Stiles, Are you being an ass face?" a trace of smirk hiding behind his serious demeanor. Stiles rolled his eyes and once more looked back at me,

"Alright. Come upstairs. See you after work dad." And with that Stiles was trugging up the stairs in a defeated slump.


"So why did you skip practice today? You know coach will have your ass for that, especially because it's you." I asked, sitting down on his swivel chair and spinning once before giving him my best 'I'm-being-serious-let-me-talk' look, Stiles let out a groan and flopped onto his bed, laying on his back,

"Because I'd like to live out my last few days before Derek kills me in peace..." He mumbled, I gave him a look and he sighed and looked down at his hands that he was nervously fumbling with.

"Stiles... Why would Derek kill you?" I asked, slowly looking him up and down and for the first time actually noticing his guilty like aura. I noticed his voice trembling slightly and his heart rate pick up,

"Marcey... I did something really bad." He whispered out, and for the first time in a while Stiles looked completely terrified,

"Stiles. What did you do."


Hey guys!!! Do you like this chapter? Do you think Stiles should tell Marcey ? Let me know!!!(:

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