Chapter 2

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I felt as if my bones we're being crushed and my arms and legs were being yanked every direction it was possable for them to move in.... and that probably was because they were. 

I let out a shrill scream that almost sounded like a yelp also,
"God damn it." I cursed, I looked over at my uncle who was standing on the other side of the room as the pack members broke and ripped at every part of my body, then they would wait, and do it all over once more.

"Shh, calm down my sweet wolf." My uncle purred, and even though I was on his side... the sound still disgusted me.

I looked over at Ethan, who was standing next to my uncle because he wasnt able to bring himself to inflict pain on me.

All of this.

So I wouldnt run to go see Derek.


a nother whimper left my mouth as my left leg was snapped, 

"Damn it STOP!" I screamed, a new wave of tears soaking my cheeks. My uncle shook his head and walked closer to my bloodied and broken body that was being forced to stand by this medal rod. 

"If we stop," He starts out calmly, "Then you will transform. and we cant restart." I felt my bod start to shake and a new pain in my head took over as my vision slowly progressed to darkness, the last word I managed to hear was 'stop her!' and even though in sure it was screamed out... it only sounded like a whisper to me. As my head hit the concreet everything turned black, and only a high pitched screech was what I could make out.


"So... what do we do with her?"

"I... I dont know."

"Well didnt we expect this?"

"well yes but she just... passed out..!" 

"Do you think she'll remember anything?"

"Probably not."

"Dude, is it weird that I think she got hotter?"

"Stiles shut up." 

"Just saying..."

"We could keep her at... whoa, wait! She's waking up!"

The voices in my head started to turn from fuzzy to clear as my vision slowly came back, I blinked my eyes open and saw 7 figures standing above me. I blinked one more time and my vision cleared up and to my horror... I saw Isaac, Stiles, Scott, Allison, Jessica, Peter, and Cora standing above me.

"What the fuck?" I said, sitting up rapidly, only to hit my head on Stiles' head and lay back down quickly in pain. I rubbed my head and looked up at the all to familiar faces, "Well..." I croaked out, my voice dry and horse. "Long time no see" I said, trying to make light of the situation without making it more awkward than it already was.

"Yeah. No kidding." Isaac said dryly, okay... clearly there was some hard feelings here. 

"Uh... what time is it?" I asked, feeling around for my phone. 

"9:00 am," Cora said as she walked over to the kitchen. 

"How long have I been here?" I asked, starting to feel very uncomphortable in a house I used to call my own. 

"Well after you came charging in here attacking everyone and almost fucked Derek right infront of all of us and then passed out.... i'd say 5 hours." My mouth dropped open in shock, 

"I-I... I did what?" I asked, very much shocked at myself. For the past few months I have lived with my uncle I have been working on being more 'lady like' in order to get more self respect and peer respect. This was not Lady like. 

"Yah..." Scott let out a nervous chuckle, "Derek left." I had to refrain letting out a sigh of relif, I didnt want to talk to Derek.... Like at all. But my good luck was short lived as Allison opened her mouth and spoke for the first time.

"But he told us to hold you here... he's not going to allow us to let you leave." I let out a puff of air and sat up on the couch, I looked around at all the people who i had just... dropped, and let out a sigh.



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