Chapter 8

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“Thanks Mrs.McCall” I said sheepishly as the warm hearted mother opened the door for me that was to be my temporary room,

“Oh honey… It’s no big deal,” I smiled one last time before walking  forward and setting all my stuff down on the double sized bed and looked around, I felt the lingering presence of Mellissa in the doorway and I turned back to face her,

“This is really kind of you to let me in your home… even after I kind of abandoned Scott” I pressed my lips together at the last part of my sentence; feeling embarrassed for running away like a scared cat. Mellissa came forward and sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to her, I obeyed and watched her as she spoke.

“No, you don’t need to apologize. You were broken hearted and you thought that was the best decision, and because you thought it was the best decision at the time that makes it the right decision.” I smiled slightly at her, before she set a hand on my leg, “But if you don’t mind me asking… Isn’t your dad worried about you?” My smile dropped and I hung my head slightly,

“Well… he uh…” I was shortly cut off,

“no honey, you don’t have to tell me.” She went to stand up but I caught her hand to stop her,

“No, I want to talk it out with someone… I just need to figure out how to word it exactly.” She nodded understandingly and sat back down and turned so she was facing me fully with her full attention.

“Well…” I sighed, shifting and pulling a few strands of my hair and tucked them neatly behind my ear.  “He found out,” I whispered out, my eyes darting to meet the warm chocolate brown ones of Mellissa McCall. 

“Oh honey,” He said, pulling me in and wrapping me up in a warm hug. I shook my head,

“And not only is that enough… when I come into the house I’m met by a gun to my head.” I sniffed and let the tears start running down, “He told me I wasn’t his daughter and to not cell him my father. I’m a disgraceful monster. And he kicked me out onto the street without a second thought.” My voice cracked at the end and by that time Mellissa was crying with me,

“Oh Marcey I’m so sorry that happened to you dear… Scott informed me about you’re previous pack,”

“What one?” I asked, slightly more bitter than I intended, Mellissa smiled slightly and rubbed my back.

“Both I guess… Sweetie maybe you should talk to Derek.”  I met her eyes and I saw nothing but concern in them, I sighed and buried my face in my hands,

“Maybe… I’ll think about it.” I looked up and saw her nod and stand up,

“Okay… well I’m going to go; I think Scott wants to talk to you.” I didn’t say anything in response, just let her walk out.

*Scot’s POV*

I felt my heart drop as she told my mom that story,

“Okay… well I’m going to go; I think Scott wants to talk to you.” I heard my mom say, I silently cursed at myself as my mom walked out, “You’re not as quiet as you think you are,” She joked with me; I smiled at her and laughed slightly.

“Yeah… I better work on that,” with that I headed into the room my mom was letting Marcey stay in for a little, I saw her laying down on the bed so I plopped down next to her with my head on a pillow and threw an arm around her, pulling her in slightly.

“Why did all this happen to me Scott?” She asked, breaking the silence after a few minutes,

“What part?” I asked, reflecting on my own life.

“The bite, the mate, Cora coming, me being a baby and running away… twice, my dad…” She just stopped talking and I felt her whole body rake over in sobs. My eyes widened slightly and I pulled her in even closer. If anyone were to come in right now they would think we were a couple.

“Well… think of them as lessons.” I said, trying to think of something my mom would say to comfort her.

“Lessons of what, How all I do if fuck up?” I pressed my lips together, not quite knowing what to say.

But to my surprise Marcey turned around so she was facing me now and cuddled up closer, draping her arm across my torso and resting her head on my chest. “I just want to be forgiven and I know that’s a lot to ask for… but what ells are I to do?” I just hugged her tighter as she quietly cried onto me, after about 20 minutes of the crying stopped I found her asleep, I sighed, not knowing what to do, and eventually drifted off with her.  

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