Chapter 3

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I sat with my hands clasped over my lap as I stared blankly ahead at the wall, I could feel the stares from my "old friends" as they all sat around the kitchen table passing a paper back and forth so I couldn't hear what they were talking about.
"Perfect!" I heard Stiles all but yell, but he was quickly silenced by the rest of the group; taking us back to the eerie sound of everyone's breath and heart beats as we all sat and waited for god know what to happen.
"So I all but ripped his clothes off?" I must admit, I'm not the best "evil villain" because I can't stand silence, and I love to talk. I heard a snicker followed by Jessica's voice ringing out through the quiet apartment,
"And all but fucked him in front of us too." I then heard a slapping sound followed by Allison scolding her for her language, I sighed and crossed my leg over the other and decided to play with my hair as I once more waited for the unknown.
Suddenly there it was.
A heart beat.
But not just any heartbeat...
One that was coming from outside the apartment and slowly making it's way closer.
I had to hold back a sigh and control my heartbeat, not wanting to give away my nervousness.
"He's here" Stiles' said in a sing-song voice, I had to hold back a playful glare at him... it's weird how hostile we are to one another, i doubt they would believe me if I told them how hard I worked to keep my new pack away from them. I doubt they would even think it to be truth for even a second, and I'm not going to lie and say this didn't make me slightly sad.
Suddenly the door opened and in walked the man I hadn't seen in so long, my wolf cried out for him.
"Derek." I breathlessly whispered, but he didn't pay me any mind as he walked over to the counter and set the keys and his cellphone down... before finally turning to me,
"Marcey." he said, his tone blank. I felt tears build up in my eyes but I quickly pushed them down... I didn't want him anymore. That's what I had to keep telling myself,
"Yeah uh.... they wouldn't let me go until you got here... So am I free to go now?" I asked, trying to make my tone sound a bored as possible, I just wanted to get out of here and forget all about this day and night. Derek looked over at the door that lead to -what was once- mine and his room, and I sighed heavily knowing that this was only the beginning.
I ran a hand through my tangled hair in an attempt to smooth it over and I stood to my feet and walked over to the door and opened it.... only to be met with the smell of another girl.
I tried to calm my hands as they started to shake and I tried to push the jealousy and sadness back to the far corners of my brain that I had been keeping them locked in for so long now.
"So..." I started out, "you've been seeing other girls?" My voice cracked in the end and I scolded myself mentally for showing weakness. I head Derek chuckle but I remained with my back to him,
"No, that's the smell of Jessica and Cora..." I took another whiff of the air and realized it was I fact two different scents,
"But why where they in your room?" my uncle had retrained me, and one of the number one rules was that the alphas sleeping room was strictly off limits and that you would be punished if you went in. Once more I was met by the sound of Derek's laughter an I whirled around to face him,
"I'm not running a pack like they did in the old times Marcey. if they need to talk to me they can come in." he paused and met my gaze, "funny... you weren't gone that long but he had still managed to take away your light." I felt anger boil up inside me, my uncle has done nothing but helped me!
'Don't fight mate!' my inner wolf screamed at me, but I just pushed her down.
"I'm done here Derek." I wet to leave but he caught my arm,
"Please don't leave." he whispered, and I saw his eyes flash to the bed.
I looked over at it and replayed all the times he had made love to me there; and now he wanted to do it again.
My mind battled itself, I wanted to but I knew I couldn't... I would never get the courage to leave this place again I I did.
But Derek took my silence as a yes as he smashed his lips to mine and the all so familiar sparks went off sending my wolf into a frenzy. he pulled me by the waist to the bed before tossing me down and crawling on top of me...

And I had to curse myself for reliving my past.

His hand ran down my side an he griped my hips roughly in his hands and he ran kisses down my neck, I stared up at the ceiling as he did this and every once in a while I would squeeze my eyes shut to suppress a moan of pleasure as he sucked on my sweat spot on my neck,
"Oh god," I gasped out. I could hear from outside the room the sound of everyone trailing out of the apartment/ loft thing.
"I can't do this." I whispered out, pulling away from him the best I could and only saw sadness on his face,
"Why not?" he asked, shaking slightly. and it kind of scared me because I had never seen him like this before...
"Derek this isn't right. I'm not ready physically or mentally to do this with you again and I think it would just break me!" I said, trying to get my point across.
Derek gripped my hips harder and looked down, I saw a tear trickle from his eye and him whisper out,
"Please.... I just need to know that at one point you loved me. please." I took my finger and moved his face up to look at me,
"I loved you, and I still do. but I can't do this, please." I all but begged, he looked me in the eyes and it's like I melted.... one more night won't kill me. So as I regretfully placed my lips back to his he waisted no time in ripping our clothes off and throwing them onto the floor.
What have I agreed to?

Sorry it took to long to update!!!!

Fighting spaces -Sequel-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя