Chapter 22

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Scott looked at the door before looking back to me,
“If they hear us then Derek is going to kill Stiles.”  Scott said, in such a whisper I almost didn’t even hear him; even with my wolf hearing. My heart jumped for a second and Scott held up his cellphone, “We go out there and pretend that nothing is wrong. But you text me and tell me what happened and we will talk that way okay?”  I nodded and Scott made his way to the door before looking around, “stay back for a couple seconds before coming out… get rid of suspicion that we were talking about anything real important.” Once more I nodded before checking my phone to see if she had replied yet.  I grew more irritated as I saw that the missing wolf remained exactly that: missing.
I stormed back out of the room and back to the living room, Peter gave me a once over before smirking at me,

“Done with your temper tantrum princess?” He asked, in a tone that made me want to snap his neck,

“Oh shove it Peter.” I snapped, before looking over at Derek, “I’m leaving to go find her, Scott, come with me” Scott shot up and started to make his way to the front door when Derek interrupted him,

“Why Scott?” he asked, raising an eyebrow,

“Because Scott is the only one who isn’t getting on my very last nerve.” I growled out before spinning on my heel and making my way to the door with Scott, I knew exactly where she was.

I threw the car door open and Scott climbed into the passenger side,

“Where do you think she is?” he asked, reaching out to turn up the heat. I threw the car into reverse and then back into drive; pealing out of the parking lot.

“She’s at Stiles’ house. That’s the only logical place she could be,” I whispered, turning on my windshield wipers as it started to slightly rain.

“Okay… so would you like to tell me what’s going on now? Because you just told me Stiles is going to have a kid, and then you left it at that.” Scott pressed me, and I just rolled my eyes,

“It was the night of Lydia’s party, they decided to have sex, and then today Cora and I went to the doctors and we found out she’s pregnant, that’s all to the story so far,” Scott eyed me,

“Is she going to keep it or is she going with another option?” he asked softly, as if he spoke any louder that someone might hear.

“As in abort it? No, she said she would never be able to do that.”

“Well what about adoption?” Scott pitched, and I just gave him a sad look before shaking my head,

“And risk putting a wolf in the system? We couldn’t do that.” I said, turning me wheel sharply as I pulled into Stiles’ driveway.  “But it’s all her call.” I said, throwing my door open and climbing out, not wanting to waist time at the front door I jumped straight up to Stiles window and climbed in.

“Make sure you’re decent kiddies! Mamma wolf is home.” I said as I hauled myself in with Scott in tow, I saw Cora throw a shirt on and Stiles pulled the bed sheets up over him,

“Marcey, what are you doing here?” Cora asked, looking very surprised and my sudden appearance.

“Well we happened to be a wolf short.. .and I was curious as to why you were here ever so late.” I told her, my eyes drifting over to Stiles who was pulling some pants on in a clumsy manner. Cora looked like she was about to stutter something out, but I cut her off briskly, “You need to say something, so we can decide how we want to go from there.” I felt bad for demanding this of her in such a rude manner, but honestly I couldn’t decide any way better to word it.

“Marcey I just found out today. You told me I could have time.” She said between gritted teeth, I looked back over at Stiles who was sitting on the bed shirtless looking at Cora intently, I watched Cora’s eyes flicker over to Scott for a second, and then back to me. “And Scott knows what?” She asked, a look In her eyes of fire.      

“what he needs to know at the time.” Was all I said, and I watched her make her way over to Stiles  and sit on the bed next to him.

I stepped back to the corner of Stiles’ room to let them have their space, and I saw Scott do the same. I watched Cora’s hands start to shake and she closed her eyes to gain control of herself,

“Stiles I need to tell you something important, and I need you to listen really well…” Her face was drained of all color and she looked like she could pass out. Stiles’ face stayed a deadly still expression that almost looked terrifying, she grabbed his hand in hers and clung to it, “Stiles… when we had sex a couple weeks ago, we didn’t use a condom.” And just like that realization hit Stiles and his face just dropped, and his eyes grew wide,

“You aren’t telling me what I think you’re telling me… please tell me you aren’t telling me that Cora.” Stiles said with no emotion, Cora let out a sob and nodded her head,

“I’m so sorry.” She bawled, running a shaking hand through her hair. I watched as Stiles stood up and shook his head,

“It’s not mine.” He said, his voice like death. My heart dropped and I looked over at Scott in surprise; only to see he was looking at me with the same shocked expression. “You’re a lying whore Cora. Its not fucking MINE!” He screamed, taking his arm and shoving her down. Scott and I jumped in-between them and Scott pulled Stiles back, slamming him into a wall. I heard him screaming something at him, but I wasn’t paying attention. I grabbed Cora and picked her up off the floor, and I pulled her out of his room, and out of his house.

“Come on.” I said in a haste to her, “Were going some place ells.” I threw my arm around her shoulder and I practically ran her out of the house and to the car. I basically threw her in the back seat and closed the door, before running back to the drivers side and speeding off into the night… determined to find us a hotel room. I wasn’t going to take her back to the loft, only to be questioned by everyone. I heard her sobbing in the back seat, curled up in fetal position with her hair hiding her face. I let out a sigh, still utterly shocked by Stiles’ response.

“He’s just scared baby girl.” I said to her, “He’s going to come around. I promise.” I then turned on the radio, hoping to distract her with music… but I don’t think it helped.

At the hotel room I started the shower for her, and let her do her thing. I sat down on the bed as I waited for her to get done, and I texted Derek saying I was going to be out for the night, and not to worry.  After that I texted Scott telling him that I took her to the hotel, so if he wouldn’t try to find us back at the loft.

I heard the water cut off and I waited for her to get out, when she did she had her hair wrapped up in a towel and the spare pajama plants and T-shirt I always kept in my car.

“You okay?” I asked her, as she walked out and laid down on the bed. She shook her head and buried her face in the pillow, we sat in silence for the rest of the night, with nothing but the faint sound of the TV in the background, giving off the weather report.  


sorry its short i'll try to update tomorrow 


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