Chapter 23

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"How is she holding up?" Scott's voice came through the phone, the only sound that could be heard in the silent hotel room.

"She's not good, she took a shower as soon as we got here and has been in the bed crying." I had managed to call Scott as Cora took a nap, I'm glad she did so, we've been here for 4 hours and all she has done is cry. I heard a sigh come from the other line, and I could picture Scott rubbing the side of his face in frustration. There was a long pause between the both of us before I cleared my throat to break it,

"Have you talked to Stiles?" I asked, feeling my heart in my throat and my stomach do a little flip. Scott stayed silent for a while, and that only added to my nerves.

"Yeah... Well actually, no. After you guys left he told me to get out and he needed space, and I gave it to him because I knew it was either that or I was going to punch him." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose with my forefinger and thumb.

"Scott I don't even want her around him anymore... He shoved her for Christ sake." I didn't want to think what I was saying was true, Stiles isn't one to hurt a fly; let alone lay hands on a female.

"I know. I'll talk to him, but at this point I have no clue where his head's at, so I honestly don't know what approach I should do that would get him to listen" I felt anger surge through me, an anger that I hadn't felt in a long time, not sense my first full moon.

"Oh god" I gasped out in pain, as I dropped to the floor on my knees and clutched my head in my hands.

"Marcy?" I heard Scott's voice come through the phone that fell two feet away from me. I let out a scream and I heard Cora shoot up from the bed, and soon her arms were around me,

"Marcy what's wrong, what's happening?" She asked, her voice coming out in a rush.

"Cora, what's going on?" I forgot Scott was still on the other line, and I heard Cora pick up the phone.

"Scott I don't know what's wrong! Come to the old hotel on Burkley road fast." I felt my fangs start to poke out and the claws making an appearance, I dragged my claws through the old carped as I let out a savage howl; one thing going through my head.

Stiles is a dead man.

I was seeing red; quite literally. I made a mad dash for the window and landed the 3 story landing on all fours, I took off sprinting as fast as my wolf speed could take me.



>Cora's POV<

I thought it was stupid of Marcey to try and talk on the phone and think I was asleep, does she really think I can sleep right now? I was listening to her and Scott talk about going and talking to Stiles, though I'm not sure what help that's going to be. Suddenly I heard Marcey drop to the floor, and I sprang out of the bed as fast as my wolf speed would let me. "Marcey what's wrong, what's happening?" I asked, my voice at a quick pace and with a frightened edge to it, my heart was beating abnormally fast and I couldn't control the fear that was taking over every nerve in my body.

"Cora, what's going on?" I heard Scott's voice come from the phone, and I saw that Marcey had dropped it when she fell, I picked it up and hastily pressed it against my ear.

"Scott I don't know what's wrong! Come to the old hotel on Burkley road fast." I said all this to him as I watched in horror as Marcey dragged her claws across the carpet, "oh god she's changing." I said, about to hang up the phone on Scott, "Call Derek!" I screamed, before pressing the end button as Marcey charges through the open window, "fuck."


I changed and took off in my wolf form, trying to desperately track down my pack leader.  I listened for the sound of anything that could be helpful, but failing miserably and stranded with nothing to come by. I felt like a failure as I slowed down my pace and rested up with my back against a tree, my breath uneven and choppy and I hung my head down and let tears drip from my eyes. I was a failure, I couldn’t track my alpha down, I couldn’t keep my legs closed. I tried to steady my breathing by breathing through my nose, my nostrils flaring as I did so, and I ended up choking on my breath. I let out an angry scream and turned around and punched the tree I was leaning on as hard as I could, I felt the wood split  beneath my fist and pieces of the wood jammed into my knuckles,

“God damnit!” I cried, pulling my fist back and seeing the wood stick out, I roughly pulled them out and watched as the wounds closed up, I shook off my hand and looked around at the night sky. Everything was slightly damp from the rain earlier, but the clouds had cleared so I looked up at the star filled sky, and then over at the moon. The moon rested in the sky, sitting at half full, and I couldn’t help but think of all the new wolfs that would change in the matter of a week, and how scary it would be for them. Then the thought raced through my mind how scary this must be for Marcey, this wasn’t a full moon, and I had no idea why she changed. I heard the sound of feet stomping in the distance, slowly growing closer and closer until I was surrounded by Isaac, Scott, Derek, Peter, and Jessica all in wolf form. “Oh thank god you’re here,” I said, my voice a little scratchy from all the crying, and I silently said my appreciation that it was dark, because i’m sure my face was puffy and blotchy for the hours on end crying.


“Do you know where she is?” Derek asked, and I heard the sound of his heart beat pick up and I felt bad for him, I knew how much he loved Marcey and how much pain he must be in for not knowing what’s wrong with her.


“I don’t know, I tried to track her but something is off with my senses.” I knew why my senses were off, but I also knew at the moment was not the time to bring up why i have been crying.


“Okay… we will split into groups of two, Scott and Cora in one, Isaac and I in another, and Peter and Jessica, when we find her call the others.” And with that we took off into our groups running as fast as we could, knowing a blood thirsty alpha was on the loose.




“I don’t understand, I don’t know where els she would go” Scott said, we were standing at the edge of Stiles’ property and staring into his window. We watched him as he typed away on his laptop, not noticing the two betas outside his window.


“Well it’s a good thing it wasn’t here, or ells we would be having to clean up Stiles’ blood and hide his death from his father” I muttered under my breath, I scratched at the fur on my face and wrinkled my nose is slight disgust. I never liked the extra hair that came along with my wolf form.


“That’s a very… Morbid thought.” Scott said, looking at me with a concerned face. I stopped scratching the fur that lined my jaw line and stared back at him,


“It’s the truth though.” I said, extending my hand out to Stiles’ house, “you saw what he did in there, If you think Marcey wouldn’t be pissed beyond belief then you must not know her very well.” I saw Scott’s eyes harden and turn dark, and for the first time, I felt slightly scared of him.

“I’ve known Marcey sense Stiles and I were little kids, we grew up together. If you think I don’t know what she’s capable of than Cora you are deathly mistaken. But if you think she would harm Stiles in any way, shape, or form, then it’s you who doesn’t know her very well.” And with that Scott turned around and in a flash was gone, I felt an empty feeling in my heart and I let my head hang low, feeling as though I disappointed yet another person in my life, adding on to the long never ending list. I turned and faced Stiles’ room once more and saw he hadn’t moved an inch, so I sighed before following Scott’s path and chasing after him, now hating Derek’s plan to be in groups.  

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