Chapter 21

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The ride back home was very, very awkward. 

"Marcey, can we go to the park before we go home? I just... I need to clear my mind and I really can't do that in a house full of people i'm keeping things from." She whispered out, I nodded sympathetically at her and turned down a diffrent road and down to a small park with those little marry-go-round things and some swings. Cora and I got out and we both sat down on the swings, 

"Fucking god Marcey what do I do?" She asked, looking at me with wide eyes, 

"Well... First I think you should go talk to Stiles, tell him what happened and then you two got to make a decission... If you want to keep it or not, and if you don't then you need to decide who you'll tell." I told her, 

"I'm not killing it Marcey." I wen't to open my mouth but she cut me off, "It's not that i'm aginst abortions, but I just don't think I could personally do it." her voice broke off slightly and she picked up a rock that was by her swing and chucked it at the ground, tearing up the grass and embedding the rock deep into the soil. 

"But Cora, think of how old you are, and are you willing to bring a baby into the world? And I would tell you adoption but-"

"Adoption!" She looked at me, "I could do that Marcey! Then I dont have to worry about being a fuck up at raising the baby!" I raised an eyebrow at her, 

"Cora... Adoption isn't an aoption for you," I said to her, and she cocked her head to the side,

"And why not" She asked, 

"Cora, you're a wearwolf. and Stieles isn't, so there is a 50/50 chance that your baby will be a born wolf. And you can't put a born wolf up for adoption, not without reveiling wearwolfs to the whole world." Cora let out a growl and angerly pulled at her hair,

"Derek is going to kill me! How the hell did this happen all because of a drunken mistake?!" She cried, I put my hand on her back and rubbed it,

"I'm so sorry... But first you have to talk to Stiles. Cora that's not something you can avoid," I told her, hoping that maybe I could come up with a solution myself, but sadly every solution had a flaw. 

"Oh god Stiles as a father..." I let out a laugh as cora said that but quickly slapped my hand over my mouth, 

"I'm sure Stiles would be a... good dad." I said, picking my words wisley. Cora rolled her eyes, 

"We were stupid enough not to use a condom, how are we ever going to be smart enough to raise a baby" That was an answer I just couldnt come up with... 

"True," I muttered, and we sat in silence for what felt like forever. 

"Oh god," I heard her groan, and she tilted her head back before letting out a laugh,

"What?" I asked, with a slight smile; happy that I even heard I laugh out of her. I saw her shake her head and she placed her hands in her lap,

"I was just thinking about how Derek's going to react when we tell him... and I thought it was pretty funny," I raised my eyebrow at her.

"You must have a very morbid sense of humor... Because Derek's going to kill him," I said, turning my body slightly so I could face her. She pressed her lips together before nodding her head,

"True..." I bit my lip and sighed, 

"Cora everything is going to be just fine. But nothing is going to be done correctly if you don't talk to Stiles first." 

"I know that, but I don't want to do that today... I've delt with enough for today. I don't want to deal with that ontop of that."  She muttered out, sounding down right exausted, and I really couldn't blame her. 

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