Chapter 16

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I looked around at the party that seemed to be zooming around past me in a million different shades of colors.
"Whoa." I yelped, feeling a hand on my shoulder.
"Marcey, are you drunk?" I turned around and met Scott's eyes. I squinted at him slightly and placed a hand on his shoulder,
"Scott, you're a beautiful person. Inside and out," he looked at me questioningly before just shaking his head and sighing,
"How much have you had to drink?" I shrugged my shoulders before bringing the cup I was holding up to my lips and taking a nice long gulp from it.
"I don't know.... What number should I say that will keep me from getting in trouble?" My eyes darted around the room in fear of something that I wasn't quite sure was even there.
"I don't know.... Six?" Scott asked questionably, looking really confused. So I just shrugged my shoulders once more and nodded my head,
"Then six it is!" I held my cup on in the air and let out a squealing sound before giggling so looking back at Scott with a huge smile, "I can't wait to see Derek! I miss him!" Scott gave me a sideways look and all of a sudden he wasn't Scott anymore an I jumped back in fear,
"Isaac?" I asked, as the face came into focus.
"You're waisted Marcey. We have to go now! Where is Cora?" I stood staring at Isaac for a few seconds longer, wondering if it had been him the whole time....
"Isaac was that you I've been talking to the whole time?" I asked, waving a finger at him tiredly.
"Marcey where's Cora!" He snapped, seeming irritated, "Jessica is already in the car, we need to leave now!" I just shook my head at him and made my eyes go cross-eyed,
"Take a chill pill Isaac! I'm sure she's fine!" I offered him a sloppy grin before she shook his head and grumbled something under his breath and he grabbed me roughly and started dragging me somewhere.
"Isaac no! I don't want to do anything with you! You have Jessica and I have Derek!" I cried out desperately, thinking that he was dragging me some place to hook up.
"Marcey I'm not going to have sex with you. I'm not going to cheat on Jessica." But even though I was drunk, I still saw a glint of guilt flash in his eye for a brief second.
"Oh... Okay." I mumbled before I dropped my head back and let Isaac drag me to where ever we were going, I guess I could trust him.

*Coras POV*

I came out of the room Stiles and I had been in just in time to see Isaac drag a drunken Marcey out of the house,
"Oh god..." I mumbled, I turned to Stiles and placed a quick kiss on his lips, "I need to get going, Isaac looks pissed and Marcey is drunk off her ass! I'll see you later!" I yelled to him over music and yelling, at first I thought he hadn't herd, but then he nodded his head and gave me a goofy smile.
So I slipped through the crowd and made my way out the front doors to see Jessica and Isaac trying to get Marcey into the car, Jessica was a little tipsy herself but she was trying her hardest I could tell.
"Come on Marcey we have to get home!" Isaac pleaded, she looked at him in awe before whipping around to face Jessica,
"You won't believe this but Isaac was Scott and then he turned into Isaac!" She slurred out, Jessica made a weird face before looking over at me with a pleading face,
"Help us get her in the car?" She asked, Isaac turned and looked at me, he smiled but it soon dropped when he saw the glare I was giving him.
How date he act like he didn't just cheat on Jessica with Allison! But none the less I picked up Marcey by the waist and practically threw her in the car,
"Whoa! What the fuck was that! That was awesome!" I rolled my eyes at her before climbing in after her and shutting the door.
Isaac got in the drivers seat and Jessica in the passengers seat and I couldn't help but grumble a little when I saw them hold hands over the middle conceal. You dirty fucker.

*Marcey's POV*

I watched Cora carefully for a few minuets before my head dropped back onto the back of the seat, gosh I missed Derek.... I tried to lift up my hand to two the back of Isaac's head and ask him how long it will be tip we got there, but my hands wouldn't move. I started to thrash around in panic and weird noises started coming from my mouth,
"I'm stuck! I'm stuck!" I cried out, looking over at Cora for help "Cora got damn why are you not helping me?" I watched as she rolled her eyes and leaned over and moved my arms around,
"Marcey it was just the seatbelt."
"Oh..." I squinted my eyes together in confusion before leaning over and pressing my face against the window,
"Derek is going to kill us for letting Marcey get drunk." I heard Jessica grumble out, I let out an offended gasp and placed a hand over my heart, causing everyone to look back at me.
"I am not DRUNK!" I said, before I lurched forward and spilled my entire stomach onto the floor of the car.
I sighed and looked back up at the three betas before giving a sideways smile, "See? Perfectly fine."

-12 hours later-
I rolled over and groaned as light shined in my eyes and pain shot all through out my body,
"Oh my god!" I gasped and ripped the covers of the bed over my head,
"Nice to see you're up." I peaked from under the covers over at Derek who was holding a glass of water and some pills.
"How did I get in bed?" I asked, slamming the pillow over my face to block out noises and light, Derek chuckled and I felt him sit down in the bed.
"Isaac and Jessica had to carry you in... You were covered in throw up and were mumbling about how you were 'clearly fine because how ells could you walk on your own'" I moved the pillow away so I could look up at a smirking Derek, but quickly moved the pillow back.
"I don't remember that... I only remember up to where I threw up in the car and it's kind of patchy...." Derek let out another laugh and I groaned and chucked something at him,
"You're too loud! Let me sleep!" I complained, I heard Derek get up and set something on the night stand; I presume to be the water and pills.
"Okay, take these and get some rest, I'll be right outside." After a few seconds I heard him leave and I turned and buried my face into the bed in attempt to fall asleep.


Sorry it took a long time to update):


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