Chapter 7

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             Listen to song on side  while reading this chapter!! Makes it 10000% better!(: 

  I looked at my dad, my eyes wide.

“No. Just stop… Just… Get out of my house.” I stiffened up and readjusted the pack on my back,
“Can I at least get my stuff from my old room?” I asked, wanting a little more than the clothes and stuff that I have in my little sack.
My dad takes a little moment to consider this before he nodes his head one time, his eyes flashing to the stairs. “Thanks,” I mutter quickly before walking up the all too familiar stairs that would soon become a stranger.

I grabbed two suit cases and stuffed some blankets into the bag, and the extra clothes that I always kept here.  When I turn to leave I see a framed picture of Derek and I, (See picture on side in multimedia) I smile fondly at it before grabbing it and stuffing it in the side of my bag.
I walk down the stairs with both my bags on my shoulders and I shuffle awkwardly under his cold gaze.

“Well… I guess I’ll go now.”  I muttered, my dad gives no response; no nod of the head, no wave off, nothing. I sighed before nodding to myself and turning on my heel and heading out the front door.


I made my way back to the Hale house and shut the door behind me, I looked around the empty house and felt utterly defeated, I had no family now, no friends, no pack, and no hope. I was an Omega, and Omegas die.  
I looked around the house and in all the rooms until I found one with a bed that was half way decent to sleep on. I brushed off all the ash and laid some new sheets and blankets on it, along with a pillow I somehow managed to fit into one of my bags. I opened up the closet that was in the room and watched as the door crumbled to the ground in ashes, I sighed and unpacked my clothes into the closet that was in the room and watched as the door crumbled to the ground in ashes, I sighed and unpacked my clothes into the dirty closet, hoping that my clothes wouldn’t get dark ash marks all over them.

I sat down on the bed and looked out the broken window into the woods, I sadly smile into them and watch as the wind gently blows the tops of the trees back and forth like you would rock a baby in a crib.


*Scott’s POV*

                “You did what?” I asked through clenched teeth, talking into my phone. I watched and pretended I didn’t notice my mom who was lingering behind the corner trying to listen to my phone call.

“Yeah well I thought that’s what you would want! Considering that whole speech you gave after Marcey got dropped off! God Scott… gives me way too many mixed signals.” I glared at the wall before me, anger practically rolling off me like waves

“Stiles, you can’t just let her off into the night like that! Especially now that she’s probably public enemy #1 to the alpha pack” I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes, “Did you see what way she went?” There was silence on the other end,

“That was last night Derek, who’s to know if she’s even in the same spot she was?” I rolled my eyes,

“Then I’ll just track her scent.” I hung up my phone and let out a sigh, “I know you’re there mom.” My mom came around the corner slowly and offered me a smile,

“You okay?” She asked, walking over to me and setting a hand on my shoulder in a comporting manner,

“No…” I sighed, “Apparently Marcey ran away from the Alpha pack, she went to Stiles’ house last night but he turned her away and down she’s gone… I know she can take care of herself but that doesn’t make me worry any less, like you heard me say on the phone; she’s probably public enemy #1 to them right now.” My mom offered me a small smile and rubbed my shoulder with her single hand in order to show her support.

“Go find her, you have known her for too long to let something happen to her.” I nodded at her and walked over to my closet and pulled a hoodie over my head and started to search for my shoes, breathing out my reply to my mom,

“Yeah… I guess you’re right.” I stood and brushed off my hands making my way to the front door.


I had made it all the way to the Hale house before I let realization set in on me, well I’d be damned

“I know you’re here Marcey.” I said, using a regular tone knowing very well she could hear me just fine.

*Marcey’s POV*

As I was about to walk up the stairs Derek pulled up in his car.


"Marcey!" He called to me, but I ignored him, I wasn't in the mood to deal with him, and besides! I had nothing to say to him! 


"Marcey!" He yelled again, but this time with anger in his words.


I turned around slowly with one eyebrow raised,


"Really?" I questioned calmly, slowly walking towards him. "Your going to raise your voice at ME?!" I let my voice grow higher with each word and yelled out the last. Derek flinched slightly at my tone.


"So tell me Derek, what could you possibly. Want." I said between gritted teeth, his eyes turned to slits as he glared at me,


"I was going to ask you if you were ok, but forget it." He growled out. I felt my heart pumping hard in my chest as I moved closer to him, my chest all but pressed to his,


"Really?" I snapped at him, "you REALLY wanna go on that topic right NOW?!" I screamed as loud as I could. 


Without warning Derek slammed me up against the hood of his car, I widened my eyes, expecting him to punch me or hit me or something... But suddenly I felt lips bing pressed to mine. 


On instinct I started kissing back. This kiss was rough, like we were both starved and the only way to get full was to kiss. 


He pressed himself hard up against me so I was smashed against him and the hood of the car.


His hands grasped my sides that were bare from my crop top, and my hands ran through his hair.


Before I could process anything Derek pulled away and ran up the steps to the apartment. Leaving me sitting on the good of his car, panting and gently touching my lips.


"What just happened...."

“I know you’re here Marcey.”

My eyes flung open and I sat up straight in my bed, I must have dozed off… I rubbed my head and brushed my hair back, I was about to lay right back down when I heard the sound of a different beating heart,

I dashed to the window and looked out, I saw Scott standing at the front door step of the Hale house and my breath hitched in my throat, Scotts head snapped over to face me and I shrink back away from the window.

“Why are you here of all places?” I whirled around on my heel and saw Scott standing behind me. I glared at him and shoved him away.

“And where ells do you expect me to go?” I asked bitterly, Scott stared at me for a few minutes before answering me,

“Why don’t you come back with me to my house?” He asked, and all I could do was raise my eyebrows in surprise. 


Yay thanks for all the comments! More comments for the next chapter 

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