Chapter 12

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I had never felt as much comfort from anyone or anything as I do Derek, his arms hide me from the dangers of the world I was forced into, and his words give me hope when there is no other place to find it.

“How do we tell the pack?” I ask looking up at him as his chin rested atop of my head. He shrugged his shoulders and flicked off the TV,

“Well… they all headed out to the park a few minutes before you got here, so they should be here any minuet.” I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion,

“Why didn’t you go with them?” Derek shrugged his shoulders

“I just didn’t feel like going, I was just going to stay home." I shrugged my shoulders I nodded at him,

“So,” I asked, intertwining our hands and smiling as he rubbed his thumb across the top of my hand, “What are we going to tell the pack, are we telling them the whole thing already?” I asked, pressing my lips together slightly and felt nervousness build up deep in my gut. He sighed and repositioned himself before kissing the top of my head.

“We can tell them whatever you feel comfortable telling them right now… But I think they would like the truth.” I bit my lip in thought before nodding,

“I agree… So how do we come out and say it? Should it be like in those cheesy movies where we set up a dinner for them and gather them around a table and tell them at the same time? Because that sounds kind of fun…” Derek broke out into a smile and laughter bubbled from his lips,

“Yeah I think we can mark that under no,” I turned over and pecked his lips,

“Why not?” I asked, moving so I was straddling his hips and looked at him with wide pleading eyes, Derek just rolled his eyes at me and a smile stretched out across my face.

“I can think of numerous reasons,” He responded, giving me one of his ‘looks’ and raises his eyebrow,

“So back on topic, I think that maybe we could just-" Derek cut my off my pressing his lips onto mine,

"Babe, I can hear them coming... why don't you go wait upstairs and then I’ll break the news to them?" He smiled softly at me and I nodded my head, I was able to make it up the stairs right as they walked in.

*Isaac's POV*

I laughed as I pushed the door open, my arm draped lazily over Jessica's shoulder, Peter and Cora following us; in just as happy of a mood.

I turned around and saw Derek standing in the center of the loft with his arms clasped behind his back, I scrunched my eyebrows together and was soon hit by the smell of a different person.

"Derek, why does it smell like someone ells has been here?" Cora asked, stepping up next to Jessica and me,

"No... Their still here." Peter whispers, and I looked back at him just in time to see him smirk at Derek.

*Derek's POV*

Peter smirked at me and I knew he knew who it was,

"Guys, can we all sit down at the table? We need to talk," They all shared a look before murmuring an agreement and walking to the kitchen to sit at the table.


I gripped my hands together as I looked around at the faces of my pack, thinking of the right way to break it,

"Well...” I started, but was cut off my Peter,

"Derek, why don't you start out by telling us about the person upstairs?" I sighed and ran both my hands down my face in frustration.

"Okay... well, Marcey-" Once more I was cut off, but this time by Jessica's scoffing

"Why do we need to talk about her?" She grumbled,

"Stop interrupting me!" I snapped, slamming one of my hands on the tables to shut them all up. They all looked at me with wide eyes -except for peter who was still just smirking. I let out a sigh and tapped my foot, "Okay.... guys I want you to know that I have started talking to Marcey again." I said, looking at each and every one of them individually in the eyes. Cora smiled at me and walked around the table to hug me, I muttered a quick 'thank you' in her ear, for being supportive before looking over at Isaac.

"So, you're bringing her back, why?" I tipped my head back,

"You can come down now," I said, looking up at the celling, I slowly saw Marcey start making her way down the stairs and I heard Jessica's breath hitch.

"Hey," Marcey muttered, smiling a slightly sad smile and coming over to me to sit on my lap. I locked my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder, I heard her clear her throat and she straightened up slightly. "So, I know you guys probably don't like me that much," I heard Isaac scoff and I sent him a glare, "And honestly I don't blame you. But I had a talk with multiple people and... Look I don't expect you all to welcome me with open arms because I know that I wouldn’t if the roles were switched, and I know I have gone above and beyond on burning bridges, but I’m hoping with time that maybe you guys might understand that... I am Derek's mate. And I do love him more than anything," I smiled into Marcey's back and kissed the back of her neck,

"Don't think that I’ll be too quick to except you again," Isaac said, scooting his chair back and walking out of the kitchen, Jessica did a panicked look around before quickly following him out, but Cora sent Marcey a smile,

"Well I'm glad you're back... right Peter?" Peter flashed a small smile and dipped his head,

"Yeah, I'm just glad I don't have to see Derek moping around on his lazy ass anymore." the two of them quickly got up; leaving me and Marcey alone in the kitchen. She turned around to face me and gave a crooked smile,

"I kind of expected worst," She admitted, I just set a gentle kiss on her lips,

"I'm just glad you're back."


This chapter sucked I’m sorry! I had writers block so this was the best I could do!! ):


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