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"This damn baby needs to come out of my uterus or I may start crying. I haven't slept in almost three days because I'm so uncomfortable." Alaina complained as we walked into Target. 

"You only have a couple more weeks Laina. The baby will come soon. Try not to think of the discomfort or anything negative. Think about the beautiful human that you're going to have to hold in your arms once it's all over." I tried to help her feel a little bit better.

"Easy for you to say. You haven't gone through this." Alaina snapped.

"Well no. I haven't. But I've been there for every one of you girls. I've been through most pregnancies. I know how you guys get... It's not like I don't know anything." I defended a bit. I knew she was just cranky because of being uncomfortable, but I don't want to be her punching bag or anything.

"You know what Britain. I'm tired of you acting like you know everything. We can't have one day where you're not acting like a know-it-all. Everything is just fine until you come back here to visit. Then suddenly the whole damn world revolves around you. That trip to Disney? That happened because of you! Dad staying up all night? Because of you. This stupid cook out? Yup. You. I'm done with everybody acting like you're the best thing in the world. Everybody treats you like a princess while all of us other kids get treated like we're basically nothing! You have every single person that you meet, wrapped around your stupid little pinky finger! That dumb ass story your writing caused every person here to drop everything to have the cook-out early just so you could be there. I'm tired of EVERYTHING being about you." Alaina yelled at me from where she was standing next to a metal detector.

Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes as I stood there and starred at my little sister, along with the other girls standing there in shock or chasing after kids, completely oblivious about what just happened.

"You know that's not true. Mom and dad love us all the same and treat us all the same. Yeah, they may want to spend a lot of time with me while I'm here visiting, but that's only because I'm the only child that moved far away. When I'm home, we all want to spend as much time as we can together. I'm sorry if that bothers you, but I wouldn't change it. I love my family. All of you."

"Actually, you don't want to spend time with everybody. You spend most of your time with Greg, his kids, or mom and dad. You make the rest of us feel like crap! All the time! Everybody prefers you." Alaina was pretty much screaming.

The tears had already started falling as I looked her dead and the eye and said "You guys have fun. I'm not going to stand here and be belittled by my pregnant little sister in Target. Have a great day. Hope your happy." Then I walked around her and right out the doors of Target, pulling my phone out of my back pocket and dialing Rhett's phone number.

"What?" He asked into the phone and I heard a loud yell in the background.

"Can you come get me? I'm walking to the Starbucks." I sobbed into the phone as I heard Rosie yell after me.

"Um. Yeah. I can." He agreed pretty quick when he heard the tears, "What happened?" I heard him grabbing keys and yell over his shoulder, "I'll be right back guys!" Then walk out the door.

"Just please hurry and get here. I don't want to be here anymore. I'll meet you at the Starbucks on Buffalo Road." I cried again and ran away from Rosie.

She stopped following me.


"What the hell happened?" Rhett asked as soon as I got in the car, my cheeks all puffy and red.

"Just Alaina and what I'm hoping were her pregnancy hormones. She basically told me that I'm a spoiled little princess that everybody always prefers. She said that I have you all wrapped around my little fingers and you'd drop anything for me, but not for them."

"We would drop anything for you. We'd drop everything for anybody in our family! That's crazy! I'm sure it was just her hormones, but she still doesn't need to say anything like that! I'm sorry about what happened sis. She should not treat you like that." Rhett was red in the face. I could tell he was more pissed then he has been in a while.

"It's not a problem. I don't want to talk about it right now. I'm just sorry for ruining your guy time." I whispered leaning my head against the window of Rhett's car.

"Don't be sorry. You know that I would do anything for you. You didn't ruin anything."

"What were you guys doing anyway? When I called, I heard yelling." 

"We were watching If I Stay. Sawyer, Greg, and Clemson were getting really into it. That boyfriend of yours seems to be really touchy when it comes to movies." 

"So I've heard. I may have to put that to a test soon." I laughed as I watched out the window as we sped down the highway."

Then my phone started ringing in my hand and Jones' face filled the screen. My heart immediately dropped when I pressed answer.

"What's up Jones.." 

"I'm so sorry babe. I need you here tomorrow morning." Jones said into the phone, not even trying to sugar coat it.

"I'm supposed to have tomorrow and Wednesday. Why is he doing this? I sent the book. What more does he want?"

"It's for good reasons Brit. He loved the book so much he wants to rush publish it so we can have it on shelves in the next two or three weeks. We need you here to start covers and publicizing. Britain this could be one of the best things that ever happened. This book could lead to you being everything that you've ever wanted. I already bought you a ticket for a flight leaving at eleven o'clock tonight. Please take the flight. I'm sorry to take you away from your family, but this could be amazing."

"Are you serious? Carl actually liked it that much? I just sent you the book about two hours ago! How did you get it finished so quickly?" I yelled into the phone.

"You wrote it so perfectly there wasn't much that I had to correct. Britain this is it! This is your big break. This book could get you crazy recognized."

"I have to talk to everybody here. I will let you know what the plan is in just a few hours. Alright?"

"Sounds good Brit."

"I just want you to know that if I do end up coming tonight, it's only because of how amazing this is opportunity is. And you owe me big time when I get out there!"

"Don't worry. My wife already knows that you're going to be staying with us if everything goes well."

"Thanks Jones. Thank you for calling me too. I'll call you back when I have an answer!" I pressed then end button and looked up at Rhett with a huge smile spreading across my face.

"He didn't edit anything in my book about Katie. Rhett, they want to rush the publishing on my book and have it on the shelf in just two or three weeks. They said this could be the book that gets me discovered!" I yelled as Rhett pulled into the driveway. "But that would mean that I have to leave tonight."

"Tonight instead of Thursday?" Rhett asked parking the car. "I know this sounds like I don't want you here, but trust me, that is not what I'm saying at all. But this is huge Brit., and if you don't take this chance, I probably won't talk to you for a year."

"Understood.. But there are other people that I have to talk to before I make my final decision." My mood dropped a little bit. I had to talk to Sawyer.

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