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"No way! Reese's are so much better then York! There isn't even a question about it!" I yelled grabbing the bag of Reese's Pieces off the shelf.

"Not at all!" Sawyer yelled back.

"Dude they are so much better!"

"Not at all."

"Yes sir!"

This had been our argument almost ever sense we got inside the Walmart. Of course we were going to get some of each kind of candy, but the argument was not going to end without him admiting that the peanut butter and chocolate were better then his mint and chocolate. I was going to win the argument no matter what. I always win this fight.

"Fine babe, you can win this time. But I will get you next time." Sawyer smiles at me and wraps his arms around my waist in a hug.

He called me babe. My heart has never beat as hard as it did at that moment. I couldn't even help but give him a small kiss.

If the rest of the week is going to go by like this, I don't think that I will be able to let Sawyer go back to London.

"Well that was unexpected." Sawyer smiles as we pull our faces away from each other, "But, I liked that."

"You're welcome babe." I giggle stepping away from him.

I could see the large smile that was spread across his face as I threw both bags of candy in the cart. We decided that we were just going to stock up on all of our favorite snacks so that we could have stuff in the hotel room at all times. That way he never had to see my hangry side.

"You're adorable." Sawyer kisses my cheek as we start pushing the cart down the aisle and towards the chips.

"I know I am. Thank you." I smile brightly grabbing two bags of Cheddar Fries off the shelf.

"Cheddar Fries? Really?"

"Of course these are like the best invention ever! They are my absolute favorite."

"Mine too!"

"Then I think we will need more than two bags."

"Lets just get the whole shelf of them?"

"Oh my gosh that sounds absolutely perfect!"

"I thought so too babe. Grab as many as we can!"

I wish that I had been on shopping trips like this before. Sawyer made everything so fun! I never would have imagined that I would be buying an entire shelf full of Cheddar Fries that I would probably be living off of whenever I got nervous or something during the week.

"So what is this 'Keep Calm' package thing that you said you wanted to put together for Nikki? Is that something I should take note on for Griffin?" Sawyer asked pushing the cart a little further down the aisle to look at the assortment of the Doritos.

"It's just something that her and I always do for each other before any huge step we've taken in our lives. High School graduation, college move in days, college graduation, those kinds of things. I just thought it was appropriate to get my panicked best friend a 'Keep Calm' package for her big day as a bride." I explained as I grabbed a couple bags of Spicy Nacho Doritos.

"Oh that's cute! Girls are adorable."

"Girls are adorable?"

"You know I mean you are adorable."

"That's not what you said."

"It's what I meant."

"I'm just kidding you dork."

"Oh." Sawyer started pouting all cutely. "I thought you were actually getting mad at me."

"It takes a lot to make me mad. Honestly. But then when I do get mad, nobody wants to be around me. I guess I get really scary or something. Who knows?"

"I can't imagine you getting mean."

"Ha. I would hate for you to see me mad then."

"You two are just adorable with your coupley bickering." A teenage girl swoons as she walks over to where Sawyer and I are standing. "It makes me wish that I could get a boyfriend."

"Oh. Uh thanks." I giggled awkwardly while looking at Sawyer through the corner of my eye.

"Aww babe are you embarrassed?" Sawyer laughed pinching my cheek and making a slight blush spread across my cheeks.


"Oh. Well anyway, thank you for thinking that we are adorable. But we must finish our shopping now. We've got a big week this week due to a wedding and we really need to get stuff done."

"Awww are you guys getting married?" The girl asked us with a huge smile on her face.

"No. Not us. Just one of our friends." Sawyer answered quickly, "But we really have to go now! Bye!"

And at that, we walked away, even with the teenage girl calling even more questions after us.

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