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"Nice place." Greg commented as he walked into the living room.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm seeing a different side of Sawyer. Everything is so nice and dark and expensive looking." Rhett added.

"Want to know a secret?" Sawyer laughed, "Got pretty much everything at Thrift Stores and stuff. I was cheap when shopping for this place because I wanted to have a pretty savings account for when I found the pretty woman I wanted to spend my life with."

"So you really didn't spend that much?" Greg seemed shocked.

"You guys are asking all kinds of deep and personal questions. Why don't you back off a little. His money is none of your business." I shushed my brothers and walked into the kitchen to make an early lunch, It was around noon and I was starving.

"Chill out man." Greg yelled after me. I was cranky. I knew I was cranky, but I hadn't had any sleep. Three or four hours of sleep, is not enough for this lady.

"It's okay Greg, she's probably in a really bad mood, we didn't exactly get a lot of sleep last night. Just let her cook and she'll calm down. It usually helps." I heard Sawyer say. "My friend Daniel will be here in a little while with the air mattresses. Let me grab one of them from my closet. You can decide how you want to set things up."

"Thanks man." 


It was about one thirty when Daniel knocked on the door. Briston and Reed were running around the apartment like wild chickens with their heads cut off, Greg, Rhett, and Sawyer were playing Xbox, and I was painting my nails. I was a little bit less cranky after I got fed. But my head was hurting and so was my stomach. The no sleep thing had apparently really gotten to me this time.

"Sawyer, are you going to get that or am I?" I asked from my spot on the floor, I was leaning against Greg's legs, since he was the only one that didn't jump around like a moron.

"Can you? I'm clearly in the middle of a very heated match here." Sawyer said as he jumped again. I couldn't even be mad that he was making me answer the door for his friend, that I had never met before, because he doesn't really get to play video games like this. He hasn't had many of his guy friends around lately. Just me, and when he wasn't with me, he was visiting with his family.

"Alright." I mumbled as I stood up off the floor and walked over to the front door. I opened the door to see a tall, dorky looking guy with a balding head. He kind of resembled Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory, "Hello?"

"Hey. My name is Daniel. You must be the beautiful Britain that Sawyer has told me all about." Daniel introduced himself as he held the two air mattresses against his chest. "I would shake your hand, but mine are kind of full."

"Oh here, let me help. Sorry, I'm really tired and didn't fully function the fact that you were holding so much." I apologized and reached out for one of the air mattresses.

"No m'am. I've got these if you can just shut the door behind me." Daniel sent me a big smile.

"Oh. Alrighty then." I held the door open for him as he walked inside the apartment, and then I closed the door behind him. "Sawyer. Snap out of it for a second. Company."

"Daniel, hello friend." Sawyer smashed a button on his controller. "You can put the air mattresses in our room. Then, if you want, stay for a game."

"Lordy. Here, I'll take those to the bedroom, you can hang out with Sawyer." I smiled at Daniel before taking the air mattresses from Daniel. "Sawyer, you kick the nail polish bottle over and get it on the carpet, it's on you! I'm not cleaning it up."

"I know Britain." Sawyer takes his eyes off his screen long enough to send me one of his beautiful smiles.

I smiled back before turning around and walking to the bedroom. I threw the air mattresses on the floor in front of the bed. 

"Babe." Sawyer said from the doorway.

"Yeah?" I spun around to look at him. 

"Everybody is occupied. Can we cuddle for a second. I'm sleepy and need some Britain time." Sawyer looked adorable in his jeans and t-shirt, his hair was a mess and his eyelids could hardly stay open. 

"Yes please." I grabbed his hand, closed the door, and pulled him to our bed.

Sawyer laid down on the bed, and pulled the blankets up to his chin. I laid down next to him and snuggled up to him, letting him wrap his arms around me. I leaned my head against his chest.

"I'm going to bet we can't take a nap?" Sawyer mumbled against the top of my head.

"Is Daniel still here?" 

"He left right after you came in the back, his mom sent a text telling him that he needed to get to her house as soon as he could. I invited him and his sister to hang out when Greg and Rhett leave. I just said that I had to ask you for a certain date."

"Then yes, a nap would be wonderful. My brothers can handle themselves for a little while."

"Thank goodness."


I woke up about an hour later, Sawyer had me tight against his chest and his forehead leaning against mine. He was still sound asleep, and I didn't want to wake him up, so I cuddled up closer to him. Then the door creaked open. 

I looked up to see Briston standing in the doorway looking towards me. "Hey sweetie, what's up?"

"I was just wondering when you're going to be back in the living room. I want you to paint my nails." She smiled.

"I'll be out in just a few minutes okay? Let me wake up Sawyer."

"Okay!" She chirped before shutting the door and skipping back to the living room.

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