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"So yeah. Clearly this would be the living room." Sawyer twirled me around so I got the full view of the living room. "Go inside, look around. We have most of the day." 

I walked out of the doorway and into the living room. It was beautiful. The floors were a beautiful hardwood, there was a stone fireplace on the wall straight from the doorway with a window on both sides. 

"My couches and stuff wouldn't go in here obviously. We'd get new stuff. The dark leather doesn't really match the feel of this. Plus, this is our house, I want to fill it with stuff that we choose together."

"I still can't believe you bought us a house."

"It was a pretty big impulse buy. But when I saw it was for sale, I had to stop by and walk through it. I didn't pay that much for it, my best friend grew up in this house. They just renovated it and put it for sale. When I walked in, I knew you would love it. It was perfect for us. You like it right? Were my thoughts correct?"

"Yes Sawyer. I love this house. I'm so excited to get everything in here and start a life with you. I'm just so shocked. I never would have expected this."

"You haven't even seen the whole thing yet. It gets better." Sawyer had a huge smile spread all the way across his face. He was basically glowing with happiness. "I'm so glad you like it though."

"Well Mr. Tour Guide. I think we still have a tour to finish. Where to next?" I smiled at him.

"The kitchen." Sawyer grabbed my hand and pulled me into a little hallway near the fireplace, and into the kitchen. 

The kitchen was just as beautiful as the living room, but I loved it even more.  Plus it was huge! There was a black two door fridge and freezer right next to the doorway we were standing in, and mahogany counters with black counter tops lining the rest of the wall next to the fridge. Straight across from me there was a door and next to the door was a black stove with an electric top, a couple counters next to the stove and then a counter top sink and a dishwasher. There was another door in the wall to the far left and an island in the middle of the kitchen with two bar stools.

"Look! Now we have more space for you to practice your cooking!" I exclaimed as I skipped into the kitchen.

"And for you to practice your baking. I thought you might like this." Sawyer laughed. 

I walked over to the door next to the stove and opened it, revealing a huge pantry. "Dude, you could fit enough food to feed an army in this thing."

"I know! Now we can stock up on noodles and crackers!" Sawyer walked up and leaned against the island.

"Or we can start eating a little bit healthier. I'm just saying."

"Maybe." He laughed. "Ready to move on?"


Sawyer walked over to the other door in the kitchen and opened it. "This is the dining room and it leads to an extra room, which I don't have any idea what you and I would end up using it for, other then the idea of making it a type of game room or something for when your family or my family come to visit. My brothers and sisters live far enough away that they might have to stay overnight if they come over."

"You've thought really hard about this house. Haven't you?" I smiled as I looked around the dining room and then followed Sawyer into the extra room.

"I have. This has literally been on my mind for the past two months." 

"This has been ours for two months?"

"Only one. But it went on the market two months ago."

"Oh. But yeah, I like your idea. If you finish showing me the house, we can start making plans for what we want." I laughed and walked back into the main hallway where the front door was. "Where's that door lead?" I asked referring to the door right next to the staircase.

"Basement. Wanna take a look? It's nothing fancy." 

"Is it clean?"

"Actually, yeah. It's very clean. But completely empty."

"I'll see it when we finish moving in."

"Okay, if you look to the side of the stair case, in the Harry Potter looking room, that's a bathroom."

"Seriously?" I laughed as I walked over to the door and opened it. Sure enough, a bathroom, even had a shower.

"There's a bathroom just like it in the basement."



Sawyer and I finished walking around the empty house about an hour later. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"I can't wait to move in here." I smiled a huge smile. 

"Me neither. I love it." Sawyer grabbed my hand as he backed his car out of the drive way.

Sawyer and I were going to go back to his house to pick our stuff up from the night before and give his family an actual goodbye before we went back to his apartment. 

"Oh, by the way, I have another gift for you when we get back to the apartment. Only this one isn't from me."

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