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"Auntie Britain!" Kayla yelled as she ran and jumped into my arms.

"Well hello sweetheart." I smiled brightly while picking her up. She's probably the lightest nine year old ever. 

"Britty!" I hear Briston yell as I put Kayla back on the ground.

Next thing I knew, I was being tackled to the ground by my other four nieces and nephews.

Leave it to these kids to make me smile no matter what.

They act like they haven't seen me in forever, when in reality, they just saw me a few days ago.

"Come on guys. Let Britain get up so we can leave!" Rhett yelled while walking into the living room.

"Yay! Disney!" Kayla yelled before she ran over to Greg.

"Come on Briston! Desmond! Let's go get in the van." Greg yelled for his other two kids.

"Who am I riding with?" I asked while standing up and fixing my short, ripped shorts. 

"Probably just ride with Iris and I. Or mom and dad. Greg is going to have a pretty full car." Rhett responded before walking out the front door.

"Not on the way there. We're meeting Tonia at Disney. So she can ride there with us if she would like to." Greg said following Rhett out the door, his kids running in front of them "You kids better be careful and do not run past that van!"

"Ride with me Britain?" Kayla asked me with really hopeful eyes.

"Sure thing sweetheart." I smiled and followed her to the van with Greg.

"Fine. My babies have dibs on her for the way back then!" Rhett yelled after us while opening one of the doors to his silver Mini Van.

My brothers are both driving the soccer mom vehicles. I love it.

"Alright you big baby! I'll ride back with you guys." I laughed before climbing into the passenger seat of Greg's van.

Just a couple minutes later, Greg had buckled his two youngest kids into their car seats, and got Kayla situated in the back. Then he came up and got ready to pull out of the drive-way.

"Why the sudden plan change?" I asked while he was backing out of the drive-way.

"Well, Alaina is complaining of stomach pains so Jack was keeping her home to keep an eye on it. They're pretty sure she'll be going in to labor soon. Then Rosie and Clemson were both really tired and cranky because Carter hasn't been sleeping all night."

"Which is because he's a newborn." I laughed. "Leave it to Rosie."

"She wasn't as prepared as she thought, I don't think." Greg told me. "She didn't even go through a nesting phase like all the other females. She just kind of expected the baby to come out, sleeping through the night and not ever crying."

"Well. You do have to remember that you and Rhett both had quiet babies. She was probably just thinking it would be like that and the baby wouldn't cry much."

"That's true. My kids were pretty good babies." He smiled proudly.

"But anyway. Why Disney?" I asked.

"Well." Greg put on his thinking face, "We just figured, we all have season passes, we might as well use them to do something. Plus. Disney is always one of the places that could cheer you up instantly. We know you've been having a hard time lately."

"I love you guys."

"We love you too." Greg smiled at me. "So are you feeling any better."

"Yes actually. You guys know me so well." I smiled.

"I'm telling you. It's all just the perk of the season passes." Greg said making me laugh.


It only took us about fifteen minutes to get to Disney. And surprisingly, it didn't take us that long to find a place to park, or to find Tonia.

We got all the kids situated in strollers, except for Kayla and Reed who were determined they wanted to walk and not ride in a wagon.

"Mommy! I want to go to the princesses!!" Kayla yelled while we walked into the park.

"Ask uncle Rhett, Aunt Brit, and daddy." Tonia told her with a small laugh.

"I don't care what my brothers have to say." I laughed with Kalya. "We're going to the castle first. I haven't seen it in forever."

"It hasn't changed any." Rhett laughed while pushing his stroller with one hand, and holding his wife's hand with the other.

"Oh well. We're still going there first." I smiled brightly while Kayla started dragging me to the castle.

Rhett was right. The castle hadn't changed any. But, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who was standing in front of it.

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