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I threw my purse on to the floor and looked up at Sawyer. He was standing there watching me without saying anything. I wasn't really sure what to do so I started looking around the room.

It was a really nice hotel room, must have cost Nikki and Griffin a load of money to pay for all of this stuff. I mean, they can afford it. They have both been saving up for their special day since they were five years old. Plus they had their parents helping them, and they are both rising lawyers.

"Why do you look like you're freaking out?" Sawyer asked with a laugh "We were doing so well!"

"What do you mean?" I asked cocking my head to one side.

"You look like you don't want to be anywhere near me! I promise I'm not a scary dude." Sawyer looked like he was hurt. I guess my act of not being nervous wasn't that good.

"I think I am just a little weary on the fact that I am about to spend a week living in the same room as a person that I haven't met before today." I smiled at him. "I'll warm up in a little while."

"You better because I like it better when you are talking to me and everything."

"Why don't we go get our bags?" I smiled at Sawyer.

"How about, I do the gentlemanly thing here, and I go get the bags while you make yourself comfortable!" Sawyer had such a huge smile on his face that it looked like his face could break right in half.

I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer so I nodded my head and sat down on the bed closest to the bathroom. I watched Sawyer as he walked out of the hotel room and out to the car.

I don't really know if I have a reason to be freaking out or not. I mean honestly, I know Nikki and Griffin wouldn't have made me share a room with Sawyer if he was going to do anything to hurt me. They love me too much.

But for some reason, I have this feeling that this week is going to lead to something really scary. I can't decide if it's a good scary or a bad scary. I already like Sawyer a lot and we only just met. I can't imagine that I could stop liking him, but I don't want to like him too much. He's leaving to England again in just a short period of time. I mean that can't lead to anything good.

And now look! I'm twenty-two years old with the thoughts that a sixteen year old girl would have running through her mind! That can't be normal for people my age! What is that God-like creature even DOING to me!

At that moment the hotel room door swung open and revealed Sawyer standing there with my suitcase at his feet and his in his other hand. He had a backpack on his back and looked ready to kill someone.

"Brothers are stupid. You know that Britain? I mean seriously! How emotional can one teenage boy even be? I don't remember ever having my man period. Especially not as often as Dylan does." Sawyer rolls the two suitcases inside the room and lays mine in front of me. "He's seriously so jealous that I'm the one that gets to do everything with you, that he just tried to talk our mom into making me let him stay in here for a day. After all the fighting, did he really expect me to say yes? He's the biggest idiot. Then he stood out there and screamed at me for ten minutes because he doesn't like the way I act with you. He doesn't seem to get that I really like you and you're my age-"

"You really like me?" I couldn't help the smile that had spread it's way across my face.

"I mean yeah! How could I not? You're literally the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen, and you're funny! You're the first girl that's ever made me laugh like this, and I've only known you for a couple of days. Honestly, thinking about going back to England, has turned into thinking about staying longer just so that I can see you more. It's crazy because I've only known you for a few hours, but all I can think about is how amazing it feels to touch you and the weird ass fireworks that blow through my entire body whenever I'm close to you."

By this point my cheeks were flaming. I was smiling so big that you would have thought my face would split in half. Then I did something that surprised even me.

I stood up on my tip-toes and planted my lips on the Sex God's lips.

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