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"What are you doing back? Did Rhett go pick you up?" Greg asked before my foot was even in the front door.

"Yeah. Alaina and I had a little argument when we first got to Target. She called me a spoiled princess and told me that I made every one of the girls feel like crap because apparently I'm too time consuming and have you all wrapped around my little finger and then I started crying and had to call Rhett to pick me up." I explained as I walked towards the kitchen in hopes of stealing some carrots.

"No. You can't go in there." Greg said stepping in front of the door.

"What? Why not? I want some carrots." I pout up at him and cross my arms over my chest.

"You have to go to your room for a little while. We are still having some guy time." Greg stood his ground.

"Are you serious right now?" I stompped my foot just as the door behind Greg opens and he starts falling backwards due to him leaning on the door.

"Whoa man. Sorry about that!" A really familiar guys voice said as he quickly stepped out of the way.

"Wait a second." I paused as the guy apologized and helped my brother off the ground. "Jaxon?"

"Hey Brit!" He smiled cheerily from the doorway with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh my God! What are you doing here?" I smiled as I hugged him.

"I just got here from med school. Thought I'd drop by and see how you guys were doing! I'm so glad I caught you and your boyfriend before you left! How have you been nugget?" Jaxon smiled and hugged me back.

"Me too! It's been so long! I haven't been home in two years! I've been doing amazing! My second book is about to be published. The one about Kaitlyn actually!" I smiled. "And obviously you've met my lovely boyfriend even though I have no idea where he is.."

"Oh yeah? I want a copy when it comes out! I still have my signed copy of Message Me;-)." Jaxon laughed as Sawyer started walking down the stairs.

"Hey! What are you doing here already?" Sawyer asked when he saw me standing there.

"I'll explain before bed." I smiled at him and then looked back at Jaxon. "I can't believe how different you look Jax! That's crazy. Sense when are you tall!?"

"Sense I hit a growth spurt my Freshman year at college. I can't believe that it's been that long sense you and I have seen each other! You grew up too! What, you just graduated college right?" Jaxon asked.

"Like last year bro! I've been working on my book about Kaitlyn ever sense I published the first one. Now my second book is about to be published. Next thing on my list is moving to New York and getting an apartment. Maybe looking for a new publishing house."

"Wow, That's crazy. I can't believe how much has changed sense the last time I saw you!" Jaxon had a huge smile spread across his face.

"I know! Everything is so different sense we were seventeen. Everybody here is getting married and having babies. I'm actually the last one in this family to not be married or a baby." 

"'I'm engaged. But no babies for me. Not until at least after med school." 

"You? Engaged? To who!?"

"Tiffany Cordarol."

"Ew. Really?"

"She's really not as bad as she used to be."

"What was so bad about this girl?" Sawyer asked walking back over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"She slept with like, the whole football team while we were in high school. Not to mention our math teacher and the soccer coach."

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