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"You what!?" My dad yelled across the table. "Britain that's amazing!"

"You realize that means that she's leaving tonight right?" Tonia questioned with her eyes tearing up a little bit. "We don't even get the extra two days anymore."

"Yeah. That's a good thing." Alaina rolled her eyes and sat her hands on her giant belly.

"You need to stop with that Alaina." My dad warned.

"It's an amazing opportunity for you sweetheart!" My mom had a huge smile on her face.

"Even though we don't have those two days anymore, I couldn't be happier! This is such a huge opportunity for you Brit! You'll have such a huge chance of getting discovered!" Greg yelled and wrapped his arm around Tonia's shoulders. 

"You guys act like she's becoming the new president. This isn't the first book she's ever written, so quit acting like it. Jeez." Alaina sighed grumpily.

"What time do you have to leave?" My dad asked, completely ignoring his hormonal daughter.

"I have to leave here by nine to get to the airport by ten. My flight leaves at eleven." I responded with a small smile.

"So you have to leave in thirty minutes?" Tonia's tears fell down her cheeks a bit.

"Why are you being emotional?" Rosie asked with squinty eyes. "You're not even pregnant."

"Are you?" I grinned sneakily.

"Well. There goes waiting to tell anybody." She blushed and looked down at the table. "We just found out, I'm two months along."

"Well. Surprise." Greg laughed.

"That's all this family needs. More babies." Alaina scowled.

"Seriously Alaina. Stop with the attitude. You don't need to be the center of attention every single second of every single day." Rhett snapped then looked at our brother and said, "Congrats you guys. You're amazing parents."

 "I guess the family is all full of good news tonight, isn't it?" Rosie had a huge smile on her face as she looked around the table. When her eyes landed back on me her smile turned a little sad as she said "I am really proud of you and everything that you've done for yourself, but I have to admit that I hate that you can't be here much. Carter hasn't really seen you since he was born, and it doesn't seem like Alaina's baby will be able to see you much either for a while, and we all see the relationship that you have with Kayla, and I think some of us wish that you were around enough to have that kind of relationship with all the kids."

"Which might be what Alaina was getting to earlier." Jack put his hand on Alaina's knee, "But she has been really emotional and moody the past couple of weeks so she probably didn't go about it the right way. That's just something that we all have to be aware of. Once the baby comes, she'll probably be a whole lot better about everything."

"I know. I didn't really think it was that big of a deal because I have been around all my other sisters during pregnancies." I paused and looked at my family, the family that really knew how to pull at my heartstrings, and said, "And I'm sorry that I haven't been around much since I graduated. I've been really busy with college and writing and publishing. I'm going to try to be around more. But you have to understand, I do have things that I really have to get done if I want my writing to be my career, which I do. I have to find a new publishing house as soon as I can, I know. I know Jones and Carl are taking up almost every second of my time and I hardly ever have any free time. But I have to do what I have to do until this book is published."

"We know. But, maybe we should set up a good schedule where everybody can Skype with you a few times a week, after the book is finished and on the shelves of course, we all know that you are going to be busy for the next few weeks. I do think that you should take some more time out to have a better relationship with all of your nieces and nephews." Rhett added. "I have to admit that sometimes I do get pretty jealous when I see you go everywhere with Kayla. I know that it's just the fact that you were here most of the time when she was little and you were there in the room when she was born, but sometimes I want to see you have a really close relationship with my kids too."

"I like the Skype idea. I'm sorry that I haven't really been there as much for you guys. I'll try to make everything better." I smiled and leaned on Sawyer's shoulder. 

"We've gotta go soon you know," He whispered to me before kissing the top of my head.

"I know." I whispered back.

"I'm sorry about what happened at Target. I was really cranky, and I have been most of the day. Jack isn't kidding when he says that I've been super moody lately. I just want this baby out." Alaina apologized with a small smile.

"It's alright. I'm sorry for not being around much anymore." 

"It's alright." Her smile grew a bit ,"I'll get over it."

"Hey. What is Sawyer going to do if you're leaving tonight?" Iris asked from her seat on Rhett's lap.

"I traded my plane ticket. I leave tonight too, just after her flight I think." Sawyer responded and grabbed my hand.

Neither of us were as emotional tonight as we were the last time we had to get ready to say goodbye. The extra time had helped a lot, and I think now we both know that no matter what, we're just a phone call away. We'll be alright.

"Oh well. Alright. But just to let you know, you're welcome here any time. Even if Britain isn't here."

"Thank you. That means a lot." 

"Do you guys need a ride to the airport?" Greg asked as he looked at his watch, "You should probably get going soon."

"Oh yeah. A ride might be a good idea." I said standing up and scanning my eyes over the table of family. "Rhett, do you think you could drive us? I'm sorry it's so last minute."

"Let me check with the boss." Rhett smiled at his wife.

Iris rolled her eyes before saying,"Please, get out of my space. You sure you don't want to take him to New York with you?"

"Ew. No. I'll send him back right after I check in." I laughed. "Let's go get our stuff Sawyer."

"Here, we'll help you." Clemson smiled and stood up, Jack, Rhett, Greg, and my dad stood up too.

"You guys act like we have a crap ton of stuff that we're taking with us. I have two bags and a purse. Sawyer has two bags and a backpack. I think we'll be okay."

"We're helping." Greg and Clemson said at the same time.

"Fine. Fine. Do your thing." I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the chair. My brothers are such a pain in the ass.

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