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"Oh my God. My head." Sawyer moaned next to me in the bed the next morning. 

"I know." I whispered.

"We drank a lot last night." 

"Trust me. I know." 

"Where's the Advil." 

"Bathroom. Now, please, for the love of God. Stop talking."

"Sorry." Sawyer mumbled while dragging himself to the bathroom, wearing only a pair of boxers. 

If my head wasn't hurting so bad, that probably would have been heaven. 

"Here babe." Sawyer smiled sitting next to me on the bed, handing me a cup of water and some Advil. He's just too sweet to me.

"Thank you Sawyer."

"You're welcome."

You could say the mood in our hotel room is a little less than happy this morning. It's our last day together, and we both feel like complete shit.

"When your head stops hurting so bad, let me know. We can turn on a movie or something." He gives a sad smile.

"Will you cuddle me?" I asked him quietly. Trying not to cry.

"Of course." He said before diving under the blankets and wrapping his strong arms around my body. 

I snuggled in really close and took a moment to enjoy him. His smell. His warmth. Just him. I was going to miss him so much. I didn't know if I was going to be able to leave him the next day.

"Don't cry." Sawyer whispered in my hair. "Please sweetheart. Don't cry. We still have today." 

"I'm sorry." I didn't even realize I was crying until he pointed it out.

"It's okay baby." He sniffled, then I felt his tears start rolling into my hair. 

I rolled over really fast so that I was facing him. Then I touched his face, wiping away one of his tears. Him crying was making me cry even more. That was so hard.


We just laid in bed and cried for almost two hours. Then it was one o'clock in the afternoon. Both of us were hungry, but neither of us wanted to get out of the bed, or to stop cuddling for that matter.

"I really have to pee." I whispered.

"Me too." 

"But I don't want to get up."

"Me either."

"I guess we'll have to at some point."

"Nope." Sawyer said popping the 'p.' "We're just going to lay here all day."

"We have to get up to eat and go to the bathroom. Maybe to change the movie."

"Those are the only exceptions. Other than that, I want to cuddle you as much as I can."

"Alright babe." I giggled. "I'm going to go to the bathroom. While I'm gone, will you get my laptop so I can order us some food to pig out on today?"

"Sure thing. I'll put on a movie too." He smiled a sad smile.

We both got out of bed at the same time. I went to the bathroom and he went towards the suitcases. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked a crappy as I felt. My makeup from the night before was smeared all over underneath my eyes. My eyes were puffy and red from all the crying this morning, and my hair was everywhere. I was wearing a pair of underwear and one of Sawyer's t-shirts, which almost went to my knees. I don't know how he didn't wake up that morning and run for the hills. I looked rough.

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