Chapter 2- Mumbling Truths

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This is the second chapter of our story! Let us know how you like the story so far at the end!
There really is no specific point of view and you can take it from either one of them!

Karl had waken up in the middle of the night. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes to make them adjust to the dark room around him. He noticed Quackity sleeping on the floor by the TV, which made him laugh quietly to himself. Karl then spotted Sapnap on the other side of the couch sleeping. He smiled at the sight of him.

He turned and slowly stood up from the couch, trying to be as quiet as possible. Karl carefully walked over to the kitchen. He sighed and sat on a small bar stool that was near the counter.

Sapnap was lightly snoring as he laid asleep on the couch, shuffling around every now and then.

Karl looked through the open door frame, smiling softly. He sat on his legs, placing his arms on the cool counter-top and resting his head on his hands. He grunted a bit- he was definitely still tired but his mind couldn't stop thinking.

Sapnap mumbled some random things in his sleep. Karl looked at him and sighed. He got off the bar stool and headed back towards the living room. He sat on the floor in front of the couch, trying to stay as quiet as he could, and got onto his phone.

Sapnap hugged a nearby pillow and kept mumbling things. Karl tilted his head and looked at him.

Sapnap started mumbling something about killing Dream's parrot, his face was nuzzled into the pillow.

Karl started to laugh and he covered his mouth to try and not wake him up.

Sapnap had hugged onto the pillow tightly, mumbling a few other things that Karl couldn't decipher. He couldn't stop laughing. He didn't know Sapnap talked in his sleep. This should be interesting.

Sapnap started shuffling around even more, almost falling off the couch. Karl tried to push him back up a bit but he still ended up falling off and remaining asleep somehow.

"How-" Karl whispered under his breath, his head tilting.

Sapnap had lost the pillow he was holding so he started to hug himself instead. He shivered and curled up into a ball.

Karl looked at Sapnap for a moment before going over and hugging him. Sapnap relaxed into the hug and started mumbling things again.

"A small part of me..." Sapnap started, "hoped... that I wasn't.. joking.."

Karl frowned and looked at him. Sapnap held onto him and rested his head on Karl's chest.

"I'll ask him about it later.." Karl made a small, awkward smile- he then remembered why he was up in the first place. "Dang it- I have to-"

He was interrupted by Sapnap shuffling slightly. His eyes slowly fluttered open. He looked up and Karl, still half asleep.

"Uhm.." Karl looked at the young man.

"Hm..?" Sapnap's hair was all messy, it covered most of his face. "You talk to loud... let me sleep" He mumbled, putting his head back to where it was originally.

"I need to get up Sapnap.."

Sapnap made a low hum. He was still half asleep. "No.. it's too cold"

They were both silent until Sapnap replied with light snoring. Karl sighed and closed his eyes.

Morning Time

Karl didn't sleep the rest of the night. After hours of trying to get up or to fall asleep, he just decided to give up and sit there until morning.

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