Chapter 7- "Hello Good Sir!"

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This is the seventh chapter of our story! Let us know how you like the story so far at the end!
There really is no specific point of view and you can take it from either one of them!

Please let us know if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Karl opened the wall quietly, walking in and closing it. He walked into the library, putting on some different colored gloves, watches, a pair of goggles that sat up on his fluffy hair, and a book. He walked out of the library, going down a ladder that went into a cave. At the end of the cave was a portal, with the same swirl patterns as Karl's hoodie.
Karl sighed, "don't forget..." He said in a monotone voice, slowly walking into the portal.

Karl blinked, looking around. "Well- this is interesting.."
He was surrounded by crowds of people and stands everywhere. There were old inventions being shown off everywhere in front of these old fashioned shoppes and taverns. It seemed to be some sort of Steampunk era. Karl noticed a young man trying to get the attention of people walking by, and shouting quite loudly. He seemed to be hosting a stand with a bunch of strange machines that were sat on the surface of the wood he stood at.

Karl raised an eyebrow and ran over to the young man, "Hello?"

The man smiled at him, "Hello there!" His voice was extremely over the top, "Are you interested?" The young man motioned at all the small Knick knacks on the table.

Karl blinked and stared at the man for a moment. He looked really familiar but he didn't remember why he seemed like that. He then snapped back into reality, "What uhm- what are these?"

The young man smirked, "Would you like to test one and guess?"

"You know what" Karl responded, "Sure!"

"Finally! The man cheered, "a person with decency! What's your name?" He leaned on the table and looked at him.

"I'm Karl- what about you?"

"Karl? That's a peculiar name indeed! Call me Oliver, good sir!" The man put out a hand to shake.

Karl laughed, shaking his hand.

"Go ahead and test anything out! Don't be shy!" Oliver grinned and walked over next to him.

Karl looked at one of the gadgets, a little confused, "Uhm... it looks like a guitar"

"It looks like- what-?" The young man seemed confused.

"A uhm- guitar-?"

"Not sure what you mean- but that's alright! I'm sure that's something I just haven't seen yet! This is a sound maker, would you like to test it?"

"I mean- sure!" Karl giggled.

"Excellent!" Oliver jumped a little.

Karl laughed,  hovering his hands over the Sound Maker, "Can I?"

"Of course!"

Karl slowly picked it up, holding it and strumming the strings, "Woah"

"Cool right!? I don't understand why other people wouldn't try my invention"

"People don't look at this? It's incredible!" Karl smiled brightly.

"Thank you very much sir! You are very kind!" Oliver smiled at him, he was talking pretty loud.

Karl put down the Sound Maker and smiled. He remembered now. Oliver reminded him of Sapnap. His looks and his loud personality.

"So what brings you to the faire!?" Oliver stretched his arm out, motioning to the large setups around them.

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