Chapter 30- A Special Picnic

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This is the 30th chapter of our story! Let us know how you like the story so far at the end!
There really is no specific point of view and you can take it from either one of them!

Please let us know if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes!

One more thing before we start! I know some of you read the last chapter right after it was posted but I didn't mean to post it that early so there is a whole like 400 more words that you might have missed. It ended with them going to bed right after Sapnap got a call from somebody! If you don't remember that then make sure and go back and re-read the last chapter just in case! Thx

Karl shifted as the sun beamed onto him, slowly opening his eyes to shield them from the light. Sapnap was quietly snoring beside him, the rays perfectly shining onto his face. His ruffled hair fell lightly over his face.

Karl smiled, a tint of pink dusting his cheeks as he sat up to get ready for the day. Karl went to his drawers putting on the new button up shirt that Sapnap had got him (one of the matching ones) and some blue jeans. Although, he still held Sapnap's hoodie in his arms.

Sapnap's eyes eventually fluttered open and he silently yawned. He sleepily looked over at Karl. Karl looked back at him, "good morning!"

"Morning" Sapnap smiled softly.

"Get dressed, you said we have something planned today?" Karl said.

Sapnap sat up and stretched, "Oh yeah". He got up from the bed and walked over to Karl.

"I'll be in the living room." Karl pecked Sapnap's lips and walked out of the room.

Sapnap smiled wide, although he felt extremely nervous. He got dressed in of course the matching button up and so forth before heading out to where Karl was.
"I already have the food for the picnic in the fridge, could you grab it?" He asked while walking towards the front door to check the mail.

"Mhm!" Karl smiled and walked into the kitchen.

Sapnap went out to the mailbox and gathered all the envelopes and papers and a small box. He smiled and put it in his pocket, putting the extra cardboard in their trash can that sat on their driveway. He made his way back inside and looked in Karl's direction, "Got it?"

Karl had been in the living room, basket in hand, "Got it!" He smiled.

"Alrighty! Ready to go then? We are walking this time if that's okay."

"Mhm, I'm ready!" Karl exclaimed.

Sapnap laughed, "Lets go!" He walked excitedly out the door, Karl following.

Sapnap looked back at Karl, smiling. He was already on the sidewalk.

"Sapnap, wait up!" Karl laughed a bit and eventually caught up to him.

Sapnap slowed down and chuckled, "Sorry."

"Are we man-hunting in real life? Jeez"

"You never know when you need to chase down a green man" Sapnap joked.

Karl laughed and nudged him a bit.

Sapnap smiled and reached for Karl's hand which he immediately took hold of.

"Are we almost there?" Karl asked.

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