Chapter 4- Mcdonalds "Date"

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This is the fourth chapter of our story! Let us know how you like the story so far at the end!
There really is no specific point of view and you can take it from either one of them!

"What are we getting?", Sapnap asked as they stood in the line at McDonald's.

"Uhm- burgers, fries, nuggets? The usual" Karl replied.

"Sounds like a plan, but you're ordering.I don't feel like it" Sapnap smirked.

"That's not fair!"

"It's very fair"
Sapnap gently grabbed Karl's arm and moved him in front of him.

"You suck" Karl crossed his arms.

Sapnap made an over exaggerated gasp.
"So you hate me?" He wiped away a fake tear.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Karl tried staying quieter since they were in public.

"Uh huh, sure"

A few people in the line had looked at them.

"Sapnap, shush!" Karl whispered.

Sapnap glanced around and made a face of realization. "My bad" he whispered.

It was their turn at the counter and Karl went ahead and told the person what they wanted. Sapnap waited next to Karl and looked around at everything. He noticed a 13-year-old staring at them from a table across the room.

"Alright, thank you so much!" Karl looked back at Sapnap.
"C'mon" he grabbed Sapnap's hand, pulling him to a table.
Sapnap laughed a bit and sat down.

Then out of nowhere, someone in the place yelled- "Karl Jacobs!?"

Karl froze, looking around. A few people were looking at a 13-year-old, the one who had yelled his name.
Karl saw the teenager and looked at Sapnap.
"I think someone knows who I am-.."

"Ah yes, definitely couldn't tell by someone yelling your name" was Sapnap's reply. He took a bite of his food.

"Sapnap- shut up" Karl laughed.

Sapnap chuckled and looked at the kid across the room. He waved at them, the kid looked like they were about to explode.

"What do I do-?" Karl asked Sapnap.

"Just wave at them- duh"

Karl hesitantly waved at the kid, smiling. They smiled brightly and waved back excitedly.

"Now what-?"

"That's it, unless they come over here. Just be nice, man" Sapnap laughed a bit.

Karl nodded, looking down at the table.
The kid seemed to be texting on their phone now, still looking excited. They were probably telling all their friends about what just happened.

Sapnap chuckled "you have so many fans, dude!" He patted Karl on the shoulder.

"That was the scariest experience of my life-.."

Sapnap laughed, "it's alright! They love you, man"

Sapnap then looked at Karl and started spacing out, seeming to be thinking of something.

Karl looked up at him, "you're looking at me weird"

Sapnap snapped out of it, "oh- uh sorry"
He swiftly got out his phone and started looking at stuff.

"Tell me what you were thinking about" Karl rested his hands on the table.

Sapnap still scrolled through his phone, "Do you want the right answer, or the truth?"

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