Chapter 3- Liquid Zoo

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This is the third chapter of our story! Let us know how you like the story so far at the end!
There really is no specific point of view and you can take it from either one of them!

One more quick note!
Please do not make any s*xual comments! Both of us creators are uncomfortable with that sort of thing! I hope you understand!
We hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Where is this place again?" Sapnap asked as the two walked down the sidewalk.

"Uhm... something.. something.." Karl mumbled.

Sapnap stared at him blankly. "What-?"

"It's somewhere"

"Uh.. how do we find it?"

"Umm.. GPS?"

"Hmm- yeah that would work"

"See? I'm smart!" Karl crossed his arms.

Sapnap laughed a bit, "sure you are".

They began to walk following a gps on their phone, Karl gleefully walked in front of Sapnap and the aquarium eventually came into view.

"Oh! Oh!" Karl pointed at the building and started running towards it.

Sapnap laughed and ran after him.

"We're here!" He slowed to a stop and Sapnap caught up to him. "Oh my god, let's go inside!"

Sapnap chuckled as they walked in through the entrance. After they paid, Karl started to wander through the small crowd of people, Sapnap following behind him, and his eyes fell on the stingrays that were in a circular tank, surrounded by children.
"Oh my goodness! Look!" Karl ran up to the tank.

Sapnap smiled wide and went next to him, looking at the stingrays.

"They're so cute!" Karl smiled, putting his hand into the water to touch one.

Sapnap looked into the water and hesitantly put his hand in next to Karl's, who was laughing while he pet the animals. Sapnap wanted to pet one too, but he was a little bit anxious.
"Does it sting-?"

"No, it doesn't sting!" Karl smiled.

Almost all of the children were looking at the two of them. Some were laughing, some were confused, some were a little scared.

"Eh.. I don't know.." a stingray floated by Sapnap's hand and he flinched, moving his hand away and closer to Karl's.

"Sapnap it's fine!" Karl giggled.

Now some of the workers started staring at them.

"No! I don't trust them. How are you even doing it?" Another stingray floated by his hand and his flinched again, moving it away.

Karl laughed and grabbed Sapnap's hand, waiting for another stingray.

"No- Karl-!" Sapnap seemed a bit flustered.

Karl rolled his eyes and spotted a stingray near them. He rearranged his hand on top of Sapnap's and moved it so that they pet the stingray.

Sapnap crammed his eyes shut at first and his arm tensed up. He slowly opened one eye and let his hand pet the stingray. A small smile appeared on his face.

"See? It's not gonna bite you!" Karl glanced at him. Most of the kids were still looking at them.

"Yeah, yeah I definitely knew that- I was uh- just looking for an excuse to hold your hand- yup! Definitely why!" Sapnap then paused for a second.
"Wait wait! Nevermind! I didn't say anything!"

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