Chapter 11- Time Struggles

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This is the eleventh chapter of our story! Let us know how you like the story so far at the end!
There really is no specific point of view and you can take it from either one of them!

Please let us know if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Karl blinked, looking around to see many people rushing into a large castle. He looked down at himself- he seemed to be wearing a suit. Karl laughed and started walking towards the castle.

A man in the crowd outside had been running and accidentally bumped into Karl.

Karl almost fell down, but he caught his balance, "Sorry!" He shouted.

"Oh! No, my apologies sir!" The young man shouted back and continued rushing towards the castle.

Karl brushed it off and eventually made it to the ballroom where hundreds of people were gathered around.

The young man that had bumped into Karl was now leaning against a wall, out of breath.

Karl looked around, noticing the man and walking over to him, "Hey uhm.."

"Hello Sir" The young man stood up straight and looked at Karl, "Are you the one I bumped into?"

"Yeah-.." Karl laughed a bit.

"It is that I give you my deepest apologies. I was in quite a rush"  He took Karl's hand and bowed.

Karl starred at him and his face fell hot- flushed red, "Yeah- uhm- it's alright!"

"Glad to know you're alright" The young man softly smiled and looked at him. His face looked VERY similar to Sapnap's.

"Uhm- I'm- My names Karl-.." Karl stuttered between his words.

"Karl? Interesting name" He smirked, and let go of Karl's hand, "I'm Sebastian"

"Uhm- you uh- have a nice name!" Karl laughed, feeling flustered.

"Why thank you Karl" Sebastian chuckled, "So where are you from?"

"Uhm- I'm from around here"

Sebastian raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Alright then" He leaned against the wall again.

Footsteps were heard through the large ballroom, everyone falling silent as they heard a spokesman come up to the floor lift. Sebastian also turned his attention to the man.

"Everybody! Your king and queen!" The man walked down the steps and into the crowd. An older man walked out along side a beautiful woman. Everyone bowed.

"Hello everyone, welcome to this years royal ball. We will soon start the dance, make sure you have a dancing partner! Thank you!" Said the king.

Everyone stopped bowing and started to talk again. Sebastian smiled and looked at Karl, holding out a hand.

Karl looked back at him, slightly confused.

Sebastian chuckled, "Would you like to be my dancing partner?"

"Oh! Uhm- yeah yeah! Yup! Sure!" Karl stuttered again.

Sebastian gently took hold of Karl's hand, "Do you know how to dance, Karl?" He said in a soft tone of voice.

"I- uhm- kind-? I've never really done it before"

Sebastian smiled, "That's okay, just don't fall" He gently led him to the main ballroom floor where everyone was waiting to dance, "and don't be so nervous, you've been stuttering since we started talking"

"Oh- uhm- Have I-?" Karl laughed to himself again, his face still red.

Sebastian laughed, "Yes. Yes you have"

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