Chapter 8- Muffins!

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This is the eighth chapter of our story! Let us know how you like the story so far at the end!
There really is no specific point of view and you can take it from either one of them!

Please let us know if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes!

TW: This does contain something being inappropriately mentioned. It didn't really happen and never will but it is mentioned as a type of inappropriate joke.

"Are we dating?" Karl asked curiously.

"Well uh.." Sapnap's face was a shade of pink, "We never said officially- but uh- you called me your boyfriend yesterday- so it's possible- uhm.. do you want to be officially dating-?" Sapnap had stuttered the whole time.

"Uhm- I guess if I said that yesterday... uh- I said that yesterday-?" Karl blinked.

"Well- you didn't uh- you didn't say it- but while we were streaming you wrote it on a piece of paper- so... and that whole aquarium thing happened..."

"Well- then I guess it's official-?" Karl said, unsure.

"O-oh! Yeah yeah- okay! That's- thats great"  Sapnap smiled nervously.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah! I'm fine!" Sapnap started, "Just stressed about- you know- Twitter and uhm- distracted by other- things" Sapnap was visibly flustered.

"You don't look okay Sap"

"I'm fine" He covered his own face, "Just uh- yeah... Why are you asking this- by the way-? You seem a bit off"

"Me? I'm fine" Karl said quickly.

Sapnap gave him a look of concern and they sat in a moment of silence before Sapnap began to speak again.

"Can I ask you something-?"

"Yeah, anything!" Karl tried smiling.

"Do you remember what happened when we were at the aquarium-?"

"Uhm... no-?" Karl looked at the floor.

Sapnap frowned, "Do you not remember anything that happened that day?"

"Uhm.. not really- I think I remember crying" Karl was trying hard to remember.

Sapnap looked like his heart had just been broke, "So- nothing else?"

Karl shook his head. Sapnap let out a sad sigh and explained pretty much what has happened in the past few days.

"That all happened-?" Karl's face was a bit red.

Sapnap nodded slowly and looked at the floor.

"I'm sorry I forgot.."

Sapnap put a hand on Karl's shoulder, "Can you please tell me what's happening?" He looked at him, about to cry.

"I just forgot Sapnap! I can't help it!" Karl blurted, immediately regretting that he raised his voice.

Sapnap flinched slightly, "Why!? What's happening to you? What are you doing!?"

"I'm not doing anything! I'm completely fine!" Karl defended.

"Karl! Last night you told me you couldn't tell me something because it could get you or me killed! That's not fine!"

"It is! I don't know why we're fighting about this!"

Sapnap decided he should probably shut up before it got too far and he looked at a wall, "I'm sorry.."

Karl crossed his arms, "I don't appreciate you yelling at me"

"I-I'm really sorry- I'm just worried" Sapnap put his own face in his hands.

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