Chapter 2 (Parker's View)

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I have arrived to the Cube house! I find all the guys great especially Hbomb. Just saying he is like cute and hot. When we record I feel so happy. I really like him. We have been hanging out a lot at Pax. I really love hanging out with him. Tybzi and Grape are really awesome as well. Tomorrow I get to meet some other of the members. I can't wait!

The next day•••••••••••••••••••••••••

Hbomb and I are looking all over the convention building for Graser. Hbomb is really excited to meet him and so am I. We vlog and meet some other people and fans. It was so much fun! We yell Graser's name all over the building. Finally we found Graser and Hbomb is the first to go hug him. I quickly follow and give Graser a big hug.

"Hey Graser!" said Hbomb.

"Hey Hbomb94!" said Graser. They talk for a while and I kind of get a little jealous. I talk to Bayani and Grape for a little, but my eyes don't leave Hbomb and Graser. I wish that I was in that conversation, but I am not. It kind of hurts my heart a lot.

"Hey Parker, you don't look to happy," said Bayani.

"Yeah Parker, you aren't looking so great," said Grape.

"I am fine guys. I am just really tired guys," I sighed.

"Are you sure? Ever since we met Graser, you haven't been to happy," said Grape.

"I am fine guys," I said annoyed. A couple hours later, we go and eat lunch. I quickly take a seat next to Hbomb.

"Hey Hbomb!" I say with a smile. Finally I get to talk to him.

"Sup Parker! Did you see all the people that dressed up!"

"Yeah dude, that was pretty cool," I said. We talked and ate our food and Graser was talking to Rusher and Dolphin. Now this is what I like to see. Once we finish lunch, we head back to the convention center. It was pretty fun. We saw all of the cool set ups and meet fans along the way. The best part was I got to spend a lot of time with Hbomb. After a long day, we go back to the Cube house. I stay sleep on the couch and Hbomb sleeps on the floor near me. Today was a pretty good day I have to say so myself.

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