Chapter 12 (Kermit's View)

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I found Hbomb in a call with Rusher and Tybzi. Hbomb didn't seem so happy. Rusher and Tybzi weren't to happy either. I have been trying to find Hbomb for the past couple minutes. Graser had told me something terrible and I had to tell Hbomb.

"Hey Hbomb! I have something really important to tell you," I said quickly.

"What is it?" Hbomb said softly.

"Parker isn't really happy dude. He blew up his house and shops on the Cube,"

"Really! That isn't good. Does that mean he left?"


"I have to talk to him," Hbomb sighed and left the call. I tried to find him. I found him in another call with Parker. I joined and muted myself.

"Parker, why did you blow up your house and shops?" Hbomb asked.

"Well, I don't really want to be on a server with Graser," Parker said.


"Because, he loves you and you seem to love him more than me,"

"No! No! Sure I love Graser, but I love you both equally,"

"Yeah, but can you choose between the two of us," said Parker. There was a moment of silence before Hbomb said anything.

"Well I don't know," Hbomb said softly. That's when I left the call. Hbomb is really confused. I am not going to take sides here. I would be caught up in unnecessary drama. Hbomb should make a decision soon before it gets to far.

2 weeks later••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Things haven't gotten much worse, but it hasn't gotten any better. It is like the same every day. You try to find someone for a clip and they are in a fight. This isn't the best time in the Cube, but people still record episodes and the viewers don't know about this, but they might get suspicious soon. We are also recording a Uhc tomorrow and it is randomized teams of 2. I am pretty sure that Devon isn't coming because he is out of town. Hopefully Hbomb isn't teamed with Graser or Parker. Also, Parker and Graser better not be on the same team. If these teams happen, somebody is going to be so upset.

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