Chapter 8 (Graser's View)

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Yesterday was the last day of Pax. I
am back in Canada and ready to record videos. I miss Hbomb, but at least we can talk to each other when recording or doing random stuff. Parker is my favorite out of the bunch. I feel like Parker is trying to steal Hbomb from me which will not ever happen, trust me. I also got Dolphin and Rusher on my side. They think that Parker and Hbomb are best friends, not soul mates. I was talking to Tybzi earlier and he was acting kind of strange. I was telling him that I kind of like Hbomb. Then it got kind of weird.

"So Tybzi, I need to tell you something," I say softly.

"Yeah what's up," he said.

"I kind of like Hbomb, and I don't know what to do about it,"

"Oh, that is a tough one. Hbomb probably likes someone else, maybe Parker," he said confidently. That kind of hurt my feelings.

"Do really think Hbomb likes Parker more than me?" I asked.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me? Ask Parker or Hbomb?" Tybzi said quickly. He than left the call. That was weird. Then Grape came on and kind of scared me.

"Hey dude," said Grape. I jumped a little from that.

"Hey Grape! Dude, you know how I like Hbomb and all,"

"Yeah dude, I am here for you. Hbomb and Parker will never be a thing,"

"Thanks dude. I kind of needed that. I just had the weirdest encounter with Tybzi,"

"Really, what happened?"

"Well we were having a casual day and I told him that I liked Hbomb. Then he turned down the idea and said that Hbomb probably liked Parker more than me and left,"

"Wow, Tybzi and Parker are pretty good friends though. They probably talked about it at Pax,"

"Yeah, Parker is probably getting more people on his side. Good thing I got Dolphin and Rusher because that means I probably will be able to get Mitch on my side,"

"Yeah bud! I didn't even think about that," Grape exclaimed and we said goodbye. Now that I am getting people on my side, I might be able to pull something off that I had in mind.

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