Chapter 11 (Hbomb's View)

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I think this Graser verses Parker thing is getting a bit out of hand. Okay, I don't think I know! There have been multiple fights with various Cube members which means people are taking sides. This isn't looking to keen. I would pick someone if I knew who to chose. They are both good looking and have great personalities! I just don't know okay! My mind is a mess and I need advice! I don't want to ask someone biased like Rusher or Tybzi. I know they have strong opinions about who I should end up with. Parker is funny and entrgetic while Graser is a person that has many emotions that I like. My thoughts on both of them are positive! I don't know what to do.

A week later•••••••••••••••••••••••••••

This is getting absolutely crazy! There have been multiple fights between Rusher, Mitch, Dolphin, Graser, Tybzi, Parker, Straub, and Grape, The worst one was between Dolphin and Grape. It was surprising because Grape usually isn't violent. It consisted of very offensive things against each other. You wouldn't believe the things they said. Kermit told me all about it. He was in the call as well. It took him half an hour to calm them down. They were still mad at each other and it wasn't fun to hear about. I wish it wasn't me making the decision. I would choose one of them and end this drama, but I can't choose! I don't know what to do. My head is spinning in a million directions. I need to make a choice sooner or later. I can't reject them both because then I would lose two great people. I am at the point where I am just going to let someone else choose for me. Also, these fights need to stop. I can't take it! This will ruin the whole Cube I swear. The fights just keep on getting worse and worse and need to stop now.

A few days later•••••••••••••••••••••••

That's it. There have been to many fights going on lately. I don't know what really happens in these fights either. I am hoping be able to listen to a fight and see the severity. I mute myself where I can hear them, but they can't hear me. It is Rusher and Tybzi. They seemed to be fine until Rusher brought up the subject.

"Well, Parker and Hbomb are meant to be and that is a known fact," said Tybzi.

"Woah, Graser and Hbomb have this connection that you don't see with Parkwr and Hbomb," Rusher replied a bit louder. It continued like this for a couple minutes. I was becoming a little less stressed because it wasn't as bad as I thought. Then, the insults started coming and their voices got louder and louder. I heard many hurtful things as I watched in shock. This is really bad! I knew it was bad, but this is worse. The things said got really mean, trust me. I finally break up the fight and surprise both of them. They kind of were upset at the end, but they weren't fighting. Then Kermit came into telling me horrible news.

Crazy Love Triangle {Gbomb-Parkbomb Fanfic}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin