Chapter 17 (Graser's View)

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I have basically gave Hbomb all the good stuff I could spare. Yesterday, I got great boots, but mine were slightly better. So I just gave them to Hbomb. They were Prot. 3, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, and Unbreaking 3. They where the same as mine, but I had Prot. 4. I saw Hbomb's reaction and he was shocked and amazed. That is the reaction that I was looking for. I probably spent so much time getting those. I really love Hbomb so much. I see a sparkle in his eyes. Parker just has a big crush on Hbomb. Parker and Hbomb are like middle school crushes. Lets be real here. I just Hbomb would see that.

A week later••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Today was not a good day. Parker and I were in the same call. We haven't talked to each other in months! I don't know how or why we ended up in the same call, but obviously the topic was Hbomb. Parker went on this rant and I fought back.

"I just don't see why Hbomb likes you. That's the only thing I don't like about him. I mean look at you,"

"Well, I see a sparkle in his eyes. You and Hbomb are like middle school crushes. I have real feelings for him,"

"What! I have feelings for him! I am the better one here,"

"I have real feelings Parker, real feelings. You just think he is cute and has a good personality. You just have a crush,"

"It is not just a crush. I had that feeling with the butterflies in my stomach. I felt electricity when we touched in real life,"

"Well so did I! I am not lying about this feeling. Hbomb makes me happy and complete. You are lying about this feeling because when you know, you know,"

"I am not lying about these feelings you stupid head! I felt that feeling, trust me,"

"Trust you? Trust you! I wouldn't trust you in a million years. I feel at home with Hbomb. You feel like you are hanging out with your best friend,"

"Stop making up lies Graser!"

"I am not making up lies, you are,"

"I felt that feeling and I know I did," Parker said tensely.

"Stop it!" said a voice. It was Hbomb.

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