Chapter 14 (Parker's View)

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Yes! I was paired with Hbomb for Uhc. I get to spend 2-3 hours recording with Hbomb. Parkbomb for the win! We start of great and get enchanted by the third episode. We also debated on going to the nether. Hbomb was so nice and kind. He basically carried me the whole season. We came to the surface at episode 5 and hunted for a little bit. We finally come across Graser and Huahwi.

"Oh! I see them!" Hbomb exclaims. Graser immediately rushes to me and kills me.

"Crap! He killed me," I said. I expected Huahwi to come and kill Hbomb, but he didn't.

"I don't see Huahwi anywhere, but Graser is coming towards me. I am going in!" Hbomb said as his voice escalated.

"Have you killed him?" I asked.

"Wait, what? He just gave me a golden apple and ditched. Huahwi is going away from me as well. This is super odd," Hbomb said. I said goodbye and left the call. That Graser, he kills me and ditches Hbomb? We were having a great season! An hour later, Hbomb joins my call.

"Hey Parker!" Hbomb said happily.

"Did you win?" I ask.

"No, Huahwi killed me while Graser just stood back. It was a little strange. Before recording the after game, Graser told me to mention nothing about him ditching the fight. I didn't, but I wanted to," Hbomb sighed. Graser is making a move here. Letting Hbomb make it further in Uhc, well let me tell you this. I will play up to that because I can and I am better that that silly robot. I am better that Graser and Hbomb should know that. I can do better than Graser.

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