Chapter 16 (Huahwi's View)

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I didn't know what to do when Graser did that weird thing. Parker and Graser are giving Hbomb a ton of stuff on Cube as well. I checked to see how good the things that Graser and Parker gave to Hbomb. It was crazy. Hbomb had gotten at least a stack more diamonds and a lot of enchanted books and gear. I even saw a chest from Parker with a name tag, a stack of emeralds, and some obsidian. That is insane! You know how much more stuff Graser and Parker would have if they didn't give it to Hbomb. Honestly, I am neutral. I don't really care for this drama, but I do notice that it is getting out of hand. Hbomb has to hurry up and make a decision, but I know it isn't easy. I guess it is kind of like choosing between pizza and donuts. I don't know, but Hbomb has to hurry up a little.

A week later••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

This fight has gone farther. Things are worse than before. Parker and Tybzi blew up Graser's house on the Cube, and I don't think it was a prank. Graser was really upset. I was there and it wasn't pretty. Fortunately, we had a back up from about two days ago and people haven't really made any significant progress. I told Hbomb after the incident happened.

"Hbomb! Did you hear about what Parker and Tybzi did to Graser?" I said quickly.

"Oh god, I didn't hear," Hbomb sighed.

"Well, Parker and Tybzi basically blew up Graser's house to smithereens. Thankfully we have a backup from a two days ago,"

"Wow, thank goodness we had a back up. I didn't know Parker or Tybzi would do this,"

"Yeah I know," I said as Graser interrupted the call. We talked for a little bit, but it got awkward pretty quickly. Hbomb needs to hurry up with his decision before it gets to far. Parker and his group will probably take it to whole new level next week. I don't want to find out. Graser is acting kind of calmer than Parker. At least to me I guess. Most of the fights start with Parker's group and Parker gave more valuable stuff to Hbomb. Graser hasn't really been causing most of the drama to be honest. Maybe once or twice, but not often. I mean I heard a fight between Straub and Mitch. It got nasty quick and it hurts to see us fighting like this. It hurts a lot because we are supposed to be a family, not enemies.

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