Chapter 19 (Hbomb's View)

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The fights have stopped since the incident with Graser and Parker. I think that there should be no more drama after this point. I am glad that the fights have stopped, but I still need to make a decision. I have kind of put that aside for right know. Graser and Parker have jot stopped giving me gifts either. I don't really have to worry about needing anything on the Cube anymore. Graser than sent me a lot of cool stuff in real life. He gave me candy and a Chipotle coupon. I am going to use that coupon soon. Then Parker sent me a bunch of candy. I am stacked on candy dude! That is cool I guess. Anyway, I was on the Cube yesterday and Graser did something cute. We were just talking when Graser told me to go to his base. He had set up a picnic kind of set up behind his house. It was really cool and pretty. He gave me a stack of steak and bread! We talked and goofed a little. It was really cute and he had been waiting to do this for a while. He had to leave to do something. Then after Graser left, Parker immediately joined my call.

"Hey dude! I am on the Cube right know. Want to film or stream a little?" said Parker.

"Nah, I just got done filming my Cube episode and did a live stream a couple hours ago," I replied hoping not to disappoint Parker.

"That's fine. I just got done editing some stuff,"

"Cool! Where are you in Cube?"

"Near spawn, want to go to my base?"

"Sure dude! I will be there in a moment," I said. I didn't know what was really going on. He lead me to a little gazebo that was close to his place. There was great lighting and we talked about things. Parker was kind of goofy, but it was pretty cool. He then got two horses and we rode into the sunrise and over the hills. We rode about 200 blocks and then went back. We talked the whole time. I have a great time with him. I have a gray time with Graser. Now my decision got harder.

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