Chapter 6 (Parker's View)

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Graser takes all the spotlight. Hbomb is completely focused on him and only him. My heart fills with envy which isn't normal. This is the first time I have ever felt this way about somebody. I just have to blow his mind with something grand. When the guys went to the convention center, I stayed home with Tybzi. We went to the closest store we could find and looked for something. I hadn't told Tybzi about my feelings for Hbomb and he was kind of confused on the way there.

"Dude come on! Why the heck are we going to the store?" Tybzi complained.

"I will tell you when we get there," I mumbled. Tybzi complained the rest of the way and it was amusing at first, but then turned annoying. We finally arrive and Tybzi looks pretty excited.

"Okay spill the beans dude, why are we here?" he says quickly. I take a deep breath and tell him slowly.

"I really like Hbomb, but he seems to spend a lot of time with Graser. I want to get him something so he might like me more," I said. Now that I am saying this out loud, it seems kind of a mean plan.

"Wow! You and Hbomb94, eh? And Graser is getting in your way. I am in your side bro. Graser and Hbomb probably have nothing in common and if they ever dated, it wouldn't last a second," Tybzi said as we walked into the store.

"Thanks pal, I really appreciate that," I say as I raise my head. We look around the store for a little while before we stumble across a little something.

"Dude that is perfect," Tybzi says in shock.

"Yeah I know," I reply. It was a little lumberjack that was cutting through a stump. He was wearing the same flannel as Hbomb's skin. He stood on a little patch of grass and I feel its smooth texture. We quickly buy it and rush home, so that we arrive there before Hbomb. Suddenly a ring from my phone goes off. It was a text from Hbomb.

Text messages
Hbomb: Hey Parker

Parker: Hi there Hbomb

Hbomb: We are on our way back. We should be there in ten minutes.

Crap! He will be there in only ten minutes. I ask our uber driver how far we were.

"Excuse me, how much longer until we are at our location?" I ask nicely.

"About 8 minutes," he replies. I give Tybzi a worried look who is looking out the car window and not paying any attention. I elbow him softly and he sees my worried face.

"What is the matter dude?" he asked puzzled.

"We are only two minutes ahead of them. We have to get there fast," I say frantically. I panic the whole way back while Tybzi is quite calm. When we finally get back to the Cube house, I grab the bag and storm into the house. Tybzi comes in half a minute later.

"Man that was close," I say out of breath.

"Dude, they aren't even here. They probably still pretty far," Tubzi sighed. Just as he finished that sentence, the rest of the Cube guys arrive. My eyes are laid on Hbomb.

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