Chapter 5: My Progress. (Part 2)

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As the sun began to set I found a place to set up camp for the night. Like before we wouldn't be staying in a town until Greytree which meant happy camping for the next four nights. For the Hero and her party that didn't make much of a difference. Although they didn't have as much room they still had a roof over their heads and beds to sleep in. Then again it didn't make much difference for me either as I slept outside anyway. The carriage did have a bathroom but due to my status I washed myself in the open air.

We camped not far from the road but not directly in sight. A flat bed of rock overlooking an inlet, it was a nice place and free from any dangerous monsters. Not that we'd travel at night. During the day the roads were quite peaceful but at night darker beings tended to rise. Bastions of life like towns and villages naturally repelled most monsters, otherwise camp sites had to be chosen carefully. With the Hero however, a simple denizen of the night wouldn't be much threat. The problem was once you had their attention they could come in droves. A few years back I travelled with several of my foster parents and they showed me firsthand what it could be like. Dozens of dark creatures with shifting black bodies and glowing eyes chasing us down the road... the memory was not my favourite. To counter it, most travel between townships was done in large numbers above fifty and in caravans. The road we took to Greytree was exactly for those types of travellers. It was the quickest route however dangerous for the unexperienced and those with few companions. Most routes followed the townships which were all about a day apart.

Like I promised I cooked steak and vegetables for dinner much to Marley's appreciation. She did save me from death after all. We sat beside a fire to eat and Pina curled herself beside me while nibbling at her own food of seeds and berries. Dinner was interesting... they were more used to my presence than before and as they discussed their plans me listening in was natural. In fact Ardent would ask my opinion on occasion regarding supplies or other small issues. The downside was Earnest who while still indifferent to most the talk was keen to teach me swordsmanship. I however was keen not to almost die again. Even if there were three Marleys I'd still refuse.

With dinner over I began to clean up. Halfway through Ronalt appeared beside me again. For a man his size you would think he couldn't sneak around.

"We need to talk," he blocked my way.

I had to stop myself from frowning, "Is something the matter?"

"I would like you to remember your position. You are here to help us. That is all. Sharing meals is one thing but to go so far as to ask to be taught is crossing the line." His eyebrows almost came together from the way he was glaring at me.

"I apologise," I sighed internally and bowed my head. Things had been going far too smoothly for me and now once more Ronalt had come to throw things for a loop. The thought of killing him to relieve stress entered my mind.

"There is nothing you need to apologise for," it wasn't Ronalt but Ardent who said those words. I looked up. He was standing casually behind Ronalt with his arms folded.

"Ardent this is a private matter," Ronalt turned to face him. "There is an order we must hold."

"Stop being such a stick in the mud," Ardent said exasperated. "Rain has already shown his talent these past few days. Cut him some slack."

"His abilities have nothing to do with this."

"What, so it's about his birth?" Ardent frowned. "Ronalt at times you act like the very nobles you despise."

He was taken aback and stunned, "I-it is a matter of respect and trust. Both of which must be earned in due time."

"Yipper yapper," Ardent waved off his words. "The sooner you lose that attitude of yours the better. If Lara is okay with it shouldn't you be?"

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