lust & jealousy

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so this is a longer chapter may be my longest so just make a cup of tea, coffee or even go get high and read HAHA <3 quite a few things will be happening in this chapter, also so close to 20k love y'all

catras POV


"are you serious catra? you like her? that's laughable" she cackles

I didn't respond

"wait you're serious?" she asks not laughing anymore

"I came here to tell you that but you
just had to fucking propose!"

"you did say we'd get married.."

why'd she have to say that? I was now reminded of the time we did agree on that


"what are you going to do after highschool?" I asked as we both lay under the tree in the field, the scorching sun seeping through

"college maybe?" lonnie responds unsurely

"say, then do you wanna get married?" I ask

"seriously?" she gets up ensuring she heard me right


she chuckles placing a kiss on my lips

"alright kitty"

flashback end

though I was over her that memory had definitely hurt.

"lonnie that was back in highschool when we were dating"

"still, you never liked girls like her, you've just been manipulated"

"n-no I haven't, adora- she- shes different"

"different? how catra?"

certainly it was hard to pinpoint the exact reason I had fallen for the blonde, I had always hated girls like her, the pretty, the popular, the girls that had everything going their way all the time

but adora, maybe it was that dumb smile of hers? or her gentleness? or even the way she teased me? maybe it was everything

"she just is! no need to explain"

lonnie laughs again, she's clearly amused

"how are you sure she won't play you?"

thing is, I wasn't. I was sure adora had no feelings or interest in me the time I had caught her with mermista

but even if there is a slight small chance she likes me back, I'd rather find out then stay here.

"ugh, there's no point staying here, I'm leaving"

"oh alright, you're just going to leave because I'm right?"

"you are not!"

I wanted to leave, she could keep my apartment for all I care.

I check my phone, who should I call? scorpia?... no we're still on bad terms

mermista? she's probably out

I realise I had a recent contact added, adora

I hesitantly press the call button

meanwhile - adoras POV

ring ring

I was still laying on catras bed like an idiot until I saw my phone rang

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