Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 

"So i guess this is it right? I'll see you around." Luke looked like he wanted to cry, he couldnt stop talking about how much he was going to miss me and i was going to miss him too. 

Michael and Calum had packed and left already,  it was hard knowing that we wont see eachother as much anymore. 

"Lukey, im going to miss you too, but remember we are close, we are going to stay friends, i promise" He gave me a hug and well, i knew how much i was going to miss this guy. 

"Bye imogen" He said. 

";Bye Luke" I said back to him. 


Once Luke was gone, Poppy went out to look for a job, and i knew i had to do that aswell, I knew i couldnt work at the hospital anymore. I was going to search another day, but now, it's just  Ashton and I. 

"Baby" He said wrapping his arms around me from behind. 

"Mmm" I said looking up at him, he faced down and placed a kiss on my shoulder. His curly mop of hair tickling the skin of my neck. 

I turned around to face him and he traced his finger along my jawline. 

"You're so beautiful Imogen, i dont think you understand, you're the light of my life, My world. 

He leaned in and kissed me, it was more meaningful than any other kiss he had given me and i loved it. He was my beautiful masterpiece and i was him. He picked me up and carried me to my room. He placed me softly on the bed and kissed me again. His lips traveled from my lips, along my jaw line, down my neck and then he left kisses on my collar bone. He looked up at me and stopped, he leaned up. 

"i can't do this, not yet anyway, i dont want to move to fast, i just want to take things slow imogen because i love you too much" He said and i blushed. 

"I love you too Ashton' 

"You remember your 17th birthday?" He asked me and i nodded slowly. "Well i was there, i wasn't meant to be, but i was anyway"


"Luke dragged me along to a party and well it was yours, i looked at you and i basically fell in love with you, you were so beautiful, everything about you was perfect, it still is. It was a couple of months after everything happened with me and my life was going down hill, he thought it would cheer me up and seeing you did. So when you came to the hospital, i pretended not to know you and to hate you, because seeing your brother push everyone off you that night just gave me no hope and also everything with your sister you know. I never knew anything had happened to him. The whole point of this story is that, ive liked you alot longer than you know." 

"Ash, you know you didnt have to lie" I said and he nodded. 

"I know im really sorry" He said hugging me, He layed beside me and just kissed my cheek. 

"Cuddles all day?" He asked. 

"I think yes" I replied and we were together, cuddling and kissing for the whole days, we threw a couple of movies in there as well. 







I woke up next to imogen, She smiled at me and i smiled back at her. She was perfect, she was my everything. 

"How was your sleep beautiful?" I asked her.

"It was good, how was yours?" 

"I had the weirdest dream, but its better now that youre here next to me" I winked. She giggled at me and kissed me, i kissed back obviously, why wouldnt i kiss my girlfriend back?

"Happy 17th birthday Imogen, you're going to have the best day, i have the best surprise for you" I said and she smiled. 

"It cant be that good if we still have to go to school" She laughed and i nodded. 

"But hey, at least you're party was good, i mean where would you be without me?" I asked laughing and she just shook her head at me. 

"Hurry up guys, get out of bed, and i swear to god Ashton, you better have pants on" I heard her brother Jared shout at me before storming in. I laughed at him and took the blanket off me to show him i had trackies on. He nodded in approvel, before walking over to Imogen. 

"Happy birthday Gigi" He smiled at her and gave her the biggest hug. 

"Thanks Jared"

"Trust me, your present is coming later" He said smiling before walking out. 

"Have you guys planned something without me knowing?" She asked me and i shrugged. 

"Maybe, maybe not" 

"Im surprised you havent let it slip yet" She said laughing and i laughed along with her. 

"Shh" I said to her, leaning into kiss her softly. 

We got up and got ready for school, it wasn't long until we would be out of school, so we both agreed to make the most of it before we left. 

"Ash, have you seen my mascara?" She asked me and i looked at her. 

"No and i don't want to see it either" I said and she rolled her eyes. 

"We are not having this argument again Ash, so just tell me where it is" She smiled at me, i huffed. 

"You're lucky it is your birthday i swear" I said and she grinned. I lifted her pillow up and gave the mascara bottle to her. 

"Thanks baby, if you wanted mascara on, you could've just asked me" She winked and i rolled my eyes. 

"Lets go to school now" I laughed. She nodded and held my hand, we walked down the stairs and greeted her parents. 

"Happy birthday Imogen" They said and handed her a box before leaving with jessica, her sister. Imogens teeth gritted and i just traced her fingers to calm her down. She opened the box and saw a new phone with $100. 

"At least they give good presents" she laughed and i smiled at her. "Can you go put this in my room please?" She asked me and i nodded. 

"Of course" I said. 

Once i returned down the stairs Jared and her were both waiting. We walked out to the car. 

"Shot gun" She said running, i ran to the car, i beat her but i still let her sit in the front. Once we got to school everyone said their happy Birthday's to Imogen and then finally, it was just us two again. 

"So what was that dream about anyway?" She asked me and i smiled. 

"Well I was in a Mental institution with the boys and you were the worked, and it was just really confusing, but we still ended up being together in the end, but this time, you were my hero." 

"You can explain it all another day in full detail" She said and i nodded smiling. 

"I love you, thankyou for making my life amazing" 

"I love you too, Even when you do drive me insane"

Insane -Ashton Irwin-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora