Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“Im hungry” Luke yelled at me in a childish matter. I groaned. I walked him in the kitchen and told him to have whatever he wanted.

I was probably going to regret that later, but oh well.

“Where’s Ashton?” I asked.

“Most likely still asleep, he sleeps a lot sometimes and then hardly any other times”  I went to walk up the stairs, when there was a knock on the door. I walked to the door and noticed Luke following me. When I opened it I saw Alex, but all he could look at was the boy behind me.

“What the hell is happening? Am I drunk? Dreaming?” Alex asked me rubbing his eyes and pinching himself, I shook my head at him. He ran up to Luke and hugged him. I let them have their moment. I shut the door and then walked up the stairs finally. I opened Jared’s door and saw Ashton lying on the bed, he had tears rolling down his face and he was holding a photo, I have a feeling it was of his brother and sister, I made a mental note to call them later.

“Ashton” I said softly. He shot up, wiped his eyes and looked at me. He stared emotionlessly at me for a second and then he lost it once again. I walked over to him and hug him. He didn’t pull away like I had expected, he actually hugged me back. He sobbed into my shoulder. I didn’t ask what was wrong, I just let him cry. Everyone needs to cry every once in a while.

“Im sorry Imogen, I just, im not worthy of anything anymore, It’s my entire fault” He was still crying but he had sobered up a lot.

“Whatever it is, im sure it isn’t all your fault, you can’t take the blame for that” I told him.

“That’s a bit hypocritical don’t you think?”

“What?” I froze.

“Never mind” He grumbled before pushing past me and walking out of the room.

“Ashton” I said, but it was too late, he was already out of the room. I groaned and walked back down the stairs. I made sure to shut the door though first. I heard shouting, which meant video games.

“Calum, I swear to god, if you cheat again I will personally make sure you have no kids”

“But then you would have to see my dick” Calum said. Everyone started laughing but Poppy rolled her eyes.

I walked back into the kitchen and saw Alex sitting on the bench.

“You know, I never thought I would see him again, but now, it’s just, wow” He said and I nodded.

“How are you holding up?” I asked him.

“How am I holding up? Im holding up well, but that isn’t the question here. The question is, how are you holding up?” He asked me and I shrugged.

“It’s weird at first, I knew that it was going to be challenging but I wouldn’t change anything if that makes sense. I wasn't going to ever leave them alone, I refused to do that. But I should probably tell you that Jessica decided to pay me a visit” I said and he went wide eyed.

“What’d she do? What happened?”

“She called me a bitch, pathetic, told me to get over it, I ended up slapping her in the end, then punching my car” I said shrugging as if it didn't mean anything, but it did.

“But someone witnessed everything though” I said and Alex raised his eye brow, and then the devil walked into the kitchen. I nodded towards Ashton and Alex nodded.

“Imogen, can I talk to you please?” Ashton asked and I nodded. I looked at Alex and motioned him out of the kitchen.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Jessica” He said and I froze.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“It’s Jessica” He said and the walked away. He didn't hand me a phone, there was no one on at the door. What could he possibly mean by Jessica.

But was the Jessica he was talking about my sister?

“Ashton you can’t do that” I yelled and he looked at me. He gave me a blank stare.

“You wanted to know about me, and im telling you, I just can’t do it yet”

“Where did you get all this from?” I asked.

“I know you want to know, it’s obvious” He said.

“What has my sister go to do with it?” I asked. 

“A lot, why do you think she moved to New York?” He asked.

“Because she was a journalist and does that for a living over there?”

“Well that isn’t the only reason, but let’s just say, once you find out, you’ll hater her twice as much as you do now” He said.

“Has this got to do with this morning?” I asked.

“Well, kind of, but it’s not entirely, you’ll find out one day” He said to me. He walked away, back to where everyone was playing video games. I decided to call Ashton’s Nan and plan a time for them to come over.

I did that.

We worked out that we were going to have a BBQ with Harry, Lauren and Nana Irwin. It was not going to be tomorrow, but for the day after that. Im just praying to god that it will help Ashton, because in his head, he has one thousand and one things going on, one more and he will explode, and im not letting anything repeat ever again.

I refuse to let it happen.


So, kind of a filler but yeah.

It was my birthday on Saturday, wooohoo !

 Follow my twitter guys !! @Ashtonismyrock

Love you guys xox

Insane -Ashton Irwin-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang